Browsing by Title
Now showing items 11827-11846 of 27069
"I have lived an autism experience. Autism is an interesting disease": The life story of a young man with Autism
(2013)The purpose of the study is to describe the life experiences of a young man who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) through a narrative research. In other words, our research aim is to investigate the ... -
"I need something powerful" – Integration syrischer geflüchteter Studierender in der Türkei durch ausbildung zu englischlehrenden
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2018)In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden syrische Studierende an einer türkischen Universität zur Studienwahl des Englischlehramts vom Gesichtspunkt ihrer zurückliegenden Migrationserfahrung sowie ihrer mehrsprachigen Voraussetzungen ... -
I-V characterization of a quantum well infrared photodetector with stepped and graded barriers
(Academic Press LTD- Elsevier Science LTD, 2012)I-V characterization of an n-type quantum well infrared photodetector which consists of stepped and graded barriers has been clone under dark at temperatures between 20-300 K. Different current transport mechanisms and ... -
I-V characterization of a staircase quantum well infrared photodetector
(Wiley-V C H Verlag GMBH, 2011)In this work, a quantum well infrared photodetector structure which consists of three different well thicknesses with three different barrier compositions producing a staircase-like conduction band profile with the reputation ... -
I. Dünya Savaşı Propaganda Afişlerinde Kadın Temsillerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Göstergebilimsel İncelenmesi
(2015)Savaşlar genellikle erkekler tarafından, kadın ve çocukları korumak amacıyla yürütülen bir mücadele olarak resmedilir. Bununla birlikte yaşanan işgücü kaybının telafisi, cephe gerisindeki faaliyetlerin idamesi, savaşan ... -
I. Dünya Savaşının baskıresimlere yansımaları
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2017)Tarihte insanlığı etkileyen büyük olayların sanata etkileri her zaman kaçınılmaz olmuştur. 20. yüzyılın başında yaşanan I. Dünya savaşı insanlık tarihinde ve buna bağlı olarak sanat tarihinde büyük izler bırakmıştır. Bu ... -
I.N,N-dimetilaminometil-2-naftol ve analinden benz (a) Akridin'in sentez mekanizmasının araştırılması
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 1983)Bu çalışma, 1-N,N-Dimetilaminometil-2-naftolün (24) anilinle pirolizinin, benz (a) akridini (23) oluşturma mekanizmasının araştırılmasını içermektedir. 1-N,N-Dimetilaminometil-2-naftolün (24) anilinde pirolizinde, benz (a) ... -
ICAO uçak kategorilerine göre tek pist sistemi için kapasite hesaplamalarında kullanılacak analitik bir model
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2013)Havaalanları, havayolu ulaştırma sistemi içerisinde uçuşların başladığı ve bittiği yerler olarak önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Hava alanlarının yapımı ve işletimindeki maliyet faktörleri göz önüne alınacak olursa, hizmet ... -
ICF: An algorithm for large scale classification with conic functions
(Elsevier Science BV, 2018)Incremental Conic Functions (ICF) algorithm is developed for solving classification problems based on mathematical programming. This algorithm improves previous version of conic function-based classifier construction in ... -
Ict Action Competence in Teacher Education
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2011)The digital age brings about several advantages in our lives in addition to the societal problems like the climate change, global warming and the digital divide. These problems are rooted in the way we pursue our lives ... -
ICT and employment generation: evidence from Turkish manufacturing
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2019)This study is said to be the first attempt in exploring the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) capital on employment generation/destruction in Turkish manufacturing industry by using labour demand ... -
Ida Von Hahn-Hahn'ın "OrientalischeBriefe" ve Lady MAry Montagu'nun "Briefe aus dem Orient" Adlı Eserlerinde Doğu ile ilk Karşılaşmada Yabancılık
(2006)Bu çalışmada, 19. yüzyıl Alman yazarı Ida von Hahn-Hahn’ın “Orientalische Briefe” ve 18. yüzyıl İngiliz yazarı Lady Mary Montagu’nun “Briefe aus dem Orient” adlı eserlerinde Doğu ülkeleri diye tabir edilen ülkelere -özellikle ... -
Identification and quantification of reaction phases at Si3N4-Ti interfaces by using analytical transmission electron microscopy techniques
(Elsevier Sci LTD, 2013)Silicon nitride (Si3N4) and titanium (Ti) were successfully bonded by using a capacitor discharge joining method. The resulting sample interfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analytical ... -
Identification by RP-HPLC-DAD, FTIR, TGA and FESEM-EDAX of natural pigments prepared from Datisca cannabina L
(Elsevier Sci LTD, 2012)In this study, natural pigments from the hemp (Datisca cannabina L) dye plant were prepared by using KAI(SO4)(2)center dot 12H(2)O (alum), FeSO4 center dot 7H(2)O and SnCl2 center dot 2H(2)O mordants. A reversed-phase high ... -
Identification of acoustic spectra for fault detection in induction motors
(IEEE, 2013)In this paper, we study fault detection problem for induction motors by using a recently developed cross-power spectral density estimation algorithm from sound measurements. In a test rig, from multiple experiments the ... -
Identification of biomarkers associated with partial epithelial to mesenchymal transition in the secretome of slug over-expressing hepatocellular carcinoma cells
(Springer, 2018)Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Complete epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) has long been considered as a crucial step for metastasis initiation. It ... -
Identification of cluttering and stuttering by the public in four countries
(Informa Healthcare, 2010)The investigators sought to explore and compare the identification of cluttering vs stuttering in four different country samples. After reading lay definitions of the two fluency disorders in their own language, convenience ... -
Identification of continuous-time power spectra by generalized Fourier series
(Chinese Automatic Control Soc, 2007)In this paper, we present a generalized Fourier series based algorithm for the identification of continuous-time, linear-time invariant systems from power spectrum measurements. The algorithm is strongly consistent and it ... -
Identification of neutral and acidic deoxyribonuclease activities in Tetrahymena thermophila life stages
(Elsevier GMBH, 2015)Deoxyribonucleases (DNases) play a major role in apoptotic DNA fragmentation/degradation, and apoptotic-like DNA degradation is also observed during conjugation of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila; however, the ... -
Identification of non-alkaloid natural compounds of Angelica purpurascens (Ave-Lall.) Gilli. (Apiaceae) with cholinesterase and carbonic anhydrase inhibition potential
(Elsevier, 2020)In current study is done antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes I and II inhibition assays, screening of biological active compounds and electronic microscopy analysis of secretory canals of ...