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Now showing items 26168-26187 of 27055
W.A. Mozart'ın "Figaro'nun Düğünü" operasındaki "Figaro"nun rol bakımından analizi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi - Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022)Bu çalışmanın ana amacı W.A Mozart'ın "Figaro'nun Düğünü" operasında yer alan "Figaro" rolünü analiz etmektir. Yapılan çalışmada ilk olarak eserin bestecisi Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart'ın hayatından, yaşadığı dönemden ve eserler ... -
Wabi sabi estetiği ve Japon seramik sanatına etkileri
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2013)Sanatın temel değerlerinden biri olan estetik; bir çoşkulanım veya duygu veren şeylerin incelenmesi ile ilgili bir disiplin olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İnsanın maddi ve manevi alanlarda yarattığı, ortaya koyduğu şeylerin tümü ... -
Wake interactions from a system of two cylinders subjected to forced excitation
(Lehigh University, 1993)The structure of the wake between and downstream of a two-cylin- der system in tandem and side-by-side arrangements is investigated. The Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter is 160. The control parameters are the ... -
Washback effect of Turkish foreign language proficiency exam YDS: A scale development study
(Selcuk University, 2019)Investigating the possible washback effect of Foreign Language Proficiency Exam called YDS could provide valuable data regarding how test-takers feel about taking this exam. This study aims to design a scale and collect ... -
Watch your teaching: A reflection strategy for EFL pre-service teachers through video recordings
(Elsevier Science BV, 2015)The central issue addressed in this study is the use of video recordings to help foster the reflective practice of pre-service teachers. For the study, we used a qualitative research methodology to investigate and discuss ... -
Water Containers in Traditional Pottery and Examples of Anatolia, India and Spain
(Anadolu University, 2019)Water, which is the most important factor in the existence of life and us, and the building stone of human metabolism, has been a very important factor symbolizing both the cause of war and peace, as it is the most powerful ... -
(Anadolu Univ, 2019)Water, which is the most important factor in the existence of life and us, and the building stone of human metabolism, has been a very important factor symbolizing both the cause of war and peace, as it is the most powerful ... -
Water Disinfection With Advanced Methods: Successive and Hybrid Application of Antibacterial Column With Silver, Ultrasound and Uv Radiation
(Corvinus University Budapest, 2018)The disinfection process is of great importance to the water supply to prevent diseases spread by water. Due to its negative impacts on human health, the number of studies conducted on disinfection systems alternative to ... -
Water extraction technique in mountainous areas from satellite images
(Spie-Soc Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2017)Water monitoring is an important part of water resource management and has become an essential aspect of remote sensing. A number of indices have been developed for water extraction using satellite images. Even though all ... -
Water quality assessment of Felent Stream (Kütahya/Turkey)
(2017)Felent Çayı, Porsuk Çayı'nın en önemli kollarından biridir ve Kütahya'nın sanayi, tarım ve kaplıca kaynaklı atıklarından etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sistemin yukarı, aşağı ve rezervuar kısımlarını içeren Felent Çayı'nın ... -
Water quality assessment of Porsuk stream basin
(2016)Porsuk Çayı, Kütahya ve Eskişehir il sınırlarından geçerek Türkiye'nin önemli su potansiyellerinden biri olan Sakarya Nehri'ni besleyen ve her iki il içinde önemi tartışılmaz bir akarsudur. Özellikle, Eskişehir iline kadar ... -
Water resources management in Turkey as a case study southeastern anatolia project (GAP)
(World Scientific Publishing Co., 2010)The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), one of the most important projects for develop remarkable natural resources of the world, is accepted as a change for getting benefit from rich water and agricultural resources of ... -
A wavelet-based feature set for recognizing pulse repetition interval modulation patterns
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2016)This paper presents a new feature set for the problem of recognizing pulse repetition interval (PRI) modulation patterns. The recognition is based upon the features extracted from the multiresolution decomposition of ... -
The way to the absolute
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 1991)Nowadays more and more people, especially who live in large citi- es, suffer from a terrible emptiness and boredom, as if they are wai- ting for something that never arrives. Within modern civilization, its people lose the ... -
Ways of Using Internet by Classroom Teachers in Social Studies Course
(Nesibe Aydin Education Inst, 2016)The aim of the study is to uncover how classroom teachers use Internet in social studies courses. In the study which was carried out to reveal how classroom teachers use internet in social studies courses a survey model ... -
'We are at this campus, there is nothing in this campus ... ': Socio-spatial analysis of a university campus
(Springer, 2017)This article provides a socio-spatial analysis of a higher education institution operating within a multi-campus system at a location other than the flagship campus. Based on this case study of a technical school, the ... -
Weak Conjugate Duality for Nonconvex Vector Optimization
(Yokohama Publishers, 2017)In this work, weak conjugate map, weak biconjugate map and weak subdifferential of a set-valued map are defined by using notions of supremum/infimum of a set and vectorial norm, and relationships among these notions are ... -
Weak Fenchel and weak Fenchel-Lagrange conjugate duality for nonconvex scalar optimization problems
(Springer, 2012)In this work, by using weak conjugate maps given in (Azimov and Gasimov, in Int J Appl Math 1:171-192, 1999), weak Fenchel conjugate dual problem, , and weak Fenchel Lagrange conjugate dual problem are constructed. Necessary ... -
Weak subdifferential/superdifferential, weak exhausters and optimality conditions
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015)In this work, the notion of weak superdifferential is presented. Some calculation rules are given to evaluate weak subdifferential and weak superdifferential of some classes of functions represented by support functions. ... -
Weak-point analysis of shuttering and reinforcement work in façade manufacturing [Schwachstellenanalyse der schalungs- und bewehrungsarbeiten in der fassadenfertigung]
(1997)On the basis of the study carried out (in the precasting plants with stationary tilting table and circulating-pallet manufacturing), the conclusion can be drawn that stationary manufacturing procedures are in greater need ...