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Now showing items 4103-4122 of 27130
$Ca(OH)_2$ süspansiyonları ile $SO_2$ gideriminde bazı katkı maddelerinin etkisi
(2006)Bu çalışmada, S02 kabarcıklı bir kolon reaktörde %6,6 Ca(OH)2 süspansiyonları ile hava içerisinde 10000 ppm SO2 içerecek şekilde hazırlanan ve akış hızı 25 L/dak olan atık model gazdan absorplanmıştır. SO2 giderimindeki ... -
Ca(OH)₂ Süspansiyonları ile SO₂ Gideriminde Bazı Katkı Maddelerinin Etkisi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2006)In this study, SO₂ has been absorbed from flue model gas which has flow rate about 25 L/min and prepared with an amount of 10000 ppm SO₂ in air by aqueous 6,6% Ca(OH)₂ suspension in a bubble column reactor. To observe the ... -
Cable and Wire Detection System for Aircrafts
(IEEE, 2013)EDlines is a robust and accurate line segment detector that is known to run 11 times faster than the popular (and fastest known) method of LSD, while avoiding necessity of parameter adjustments. In this work, this detector ... -
Cable and wire detection system for aircrafts [Hava araçlari için tel ve kablo tespit sistemi]
(2013)EDlines is a robust and accurate line segment detector that is known to run 11 times faster than the popular (and fastest known) method of LSD, while avoiding necessity of parameter adjustments. In this work, this detector ... -
Cabri yazılımı ile 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin çokgenleri tanımlama, oluşturma ve sınıflama becerilerinin gelişmesinin incelenmesi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2013)Araştırmanın amacı, dinamik geometri yazılımı olan Cabri Geometri II Plus yazılımının geometri dersinde 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin çokgenleri oluşturma, tanımlama ve sınıflama becerilerinin gelişimini incelemektir. Araştırmada ... -
CaCO³-SiO² karışımlarından sentetik volastonit üretimi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2001)Yapılan tez çalışmasında; sentetik volastonitin kalsit ve kuvars karışımlarından üretimi ele alınmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar çeşitli mineralleştiricilerin (CaMgCO³, NaCI, Na²SiO³, Na²CO³, Li²CO³) volastonit oluşumu üzerindeki ... -
Cadmium removal out of human plasma using ion-imprinted beads in a magnetic column
(Elsevier Science BV, 2009)The aim of this study is to utilize ion-imprinted magnetic beads in the selective removal of Cd2+ ions out of human plasma overdosed with Cd2+ ions. The Cd (2+) imprinted magnetic poly(HEMA-MAC) (mPHEMAC-Cd2+) beads were ... -
Cadmium stabilization via sequential application of phytoremediation and pyrolysis
(Pamukkale University, 2016)The objective of this study is the treatment of cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil and stabilization of cadmium (Cd) in a solid product. For this aim, phytoremediation and pyrolysis were sequentially applied. Phytoremediation ... -
Caffeoylquinic Acids, Cytotoxic, Antioxidant, Acetylcholinesterase and Tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Six Inula Species from Bulgaria
(Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, 2020)Chlorogenic (5-CQA), 1,5-, 3,5-, 4,5- and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic (DCQA) acids were identified and quantified in the methanol extracts of Inula oculus-christi L., I. bifrons L., I. aschersoniana Janka var. aschersoniana, I. ... -
Caillou: a Cartoon All Children Admire
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2011)The advent of technology, reduction of playgrounds and parents` intensive working hours has led children watch television. Cartoons are known to be the most watched program while children watching television. The development ... -
Calamintha pamphylica subsp alanyense (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey
(Finnish Zoological Botanical Publishing Board, 2007)Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. alanyense S. Alan & Ocak subsp. nova is described and illustrated from the northwest of Alanya (Antalya) in Turkey. It is characterized by a puberulent, densely glandular flowering ... -
Calamintha pamphylica subsp. alanyense (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey
(2007)Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. alanyense S. Alan & Ocak subsp. nova is described and illustrated from the northwest of Alanya (Antalya) in Turkey. It is characterized by a puberulent, densely glandular flowering ... -
Calcium channel blockers: molecular docking and inhibition studies on carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 9999)Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are potent dehydration of carbonic acid and catalyst of the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. Here, CA I and CA II was purified from human erythrocytes using the simple chromatographic method ... -
Calcium Mobilization and Inhibition of Akt Reduced the Binding of PEO-1 Cells to Fibronectin
(Turkish Pharmacists Assoc, 2018)Objectives: To investigate the effects of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) mobilization, beta-catenin and Akt signal pathways after the binding of metastatic ovarian cells to fibronectin. Materials and Methods: The expression ... -
Calculation of Acidity Constants of Azo Dyes Derived 4-(Phenyldiazenyl)Benzene-1,3-Diol By Dft Method
(2015)Bu çalışmada, 4-(phenyldiazenyl) benzene-1,3-diolden türetilmiş altı azo boyar maddenin asitlik sabitleri Gaussian09 [1] program (B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)) (DFT metodu) ile hesaplanmıştır.[2]. Elde edilen teorik veriler deneysel ... -
Calculation of Cutoff Frequency For Polynomial Families
(2017)In many stability problems, the investigation of pure imaginary roots for a polynomial family is very important. Given a pure imaginary complex number, the set of all images of uncertainty vectors is called the value set ... -
Calculation of domestic flight-caused global warming potential from aircraft emissions in Turkish airports
(Inderscience Enterprises LTD, 2014)In this study, global warming potential (GWP) is calculated for aircrafts used in Turkish airports. The basic idea of this study is to investigate both emissions and their GWP values. This study is conducted in three steps, ... -
Calculation of HC, CO and NOx from civil aviation in Turkey in 2012
(Inderscience Enterprises LTD, 2013)To meet the growing demand for air transport, airline companies doubled their aircraft numbers in Turkey, where civil aviation activities have shown great development in recent years. This increase in aircraft numbers ... -
Calculation of NOx Emissions of Short and Medium-haul Domestic Flights with Consideration of the Ambient Effect
(IEEE, 2017)In this study, NOx emissions of typical flights at two domestic round trip routes (206-271 NM and 625-740NM) are quantified. The flight and engine parameters were obtained from actual flight data records, whereas the ... -
Calculation of turn radius and bank angle at different altitudes based on RNP AR
(International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2016)In this study, different kinds of turns based RNP AR procedures such as flyby and RF will be introduced. For fly by turn radius at different altitudes will be calculated. Moreover, the relation between bank angle (A) and ...