Browsing by Author "Çiçek, Arzu"
Now showing items 1-20 of 66
Accumulation of heavy metals from motor vehicles in transplanted lichens in an urban area
Çiçek, Arzu; Koparal, Ali Savaş; Aslan, A.; Yazıcı, K. (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2008)Thalli of the lichens Pseudevernia furfuracea, Usnea longissima, Lobaria pulmonaria, and Peltigera praetextata were taken from unpolluted areas and transplanted to a downtown site in Erzurum, Turkey. Heavy metals copper ... -
Accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in soil and tree leaves sampled from the surroundings of Tuncbilek Thermal Power Plant
Çiçek, Arzu; Koparal, Ali Savaş (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2004)In this study, the quantities of sulfur and heavy metals, resulting from the Tuncbilek Thermal Power Plant (TPP) in Turkey, have been assessed in tree leaves and soil samples within a 10 km radius of the plant. Leaves of ... -
Alternatif yakıt kullanılarak üretilen çimentodan mamul betonarme su yapılarında eser element özütleme karakteristiklerinin incelenmesi
Ergüçlü, Mete Emre (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2016)Çimento; hammaddesi doğal kayaçlar olan, üretimi enerji yoğun olarak tanımlanan hidrolik bağlayıcı yapı malzemesidir. Çimento yarı mamulü olan klinker; kalker, kil, demir cevheri, marn gibi doğal hammaddelerin yüksek ... -
The assessment of air quality and identification of pollutant sources in the Eskisehir region Turkey using Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr. (1860)
Çiçek, Arzu; Koparal, Ali Savaş (Inst Lebensmitteltechnologie Analytische Chemie, 2003)Lichens, due to their structural properties, can accumulate heavy metals prone to cause atmospheric pollution in their tissues close to the respective atmospheric concentrations. In this study, based on this property of ... -
Assessment of Boron in Water, Sediment and Fish Tissues of Porsuk Stream, Turkey
Köse, Esengül; Uysal, Kazım; Tokatlı, Cem; Çiçek, Arzu; Emiroğlu, Özgür; Arslan, Naime (Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2012)In this study, boron concentrations has been estimated between 2010 and 2011 in water, sediment and some cyprinid species from thirteen stations (five of them were on the Porsuk Dam Lake) of Porsuk Stream, a tributary of ... -
Assessment of environmental effects of the coal used in the Seyitomer thermal power plant (Turkey) on white willow
Çiçek, Arzu; Koparal, Ali Savaş (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2006)Thermal power plants increase local pollution through SO x , NO x , volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and oils containing primarily particulates (including heavy metals) and increase global pollution through CO2 , the ... -
The Assessment of Influence of Species and Environment on Microelement Levels in Cereals
Gülmezoğlu, Nurdilek; Çiçek, Arzu; Özer, Emel; Askin, Ayşegül (Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), 2010)Micronutrient deficiency is a problem in developing countries, pertaining to both agriculture and human food provision. The present investigation concerned micronutrient availability in the soil and grain of some cereals ... -
The assessment of lichens as bioindicator of heavy metal pollution from motor vehicles activites
Aslan, Ali; Çiçek, Arzu; Yazıcı, Kenan; Karagöz, Yalçın; Turan, Metin; Akkus, Ferda; Yıldırım, Ömer Selim (Academic Journals, 2011)The contamination of heavy metals released by traffic activities on roadside soils and crops are important problems in developed and developing countries for decades. An assessment of the extent of pollution in roadside ... -
Assessment of the Effects of Large Borate Deposits on Surface Water Quality by Multi Statistical Approaches: A Case Study of Seydisuyu Stream (Turkey)
Tokatlı, Cem; Köse, Esengül; Çiçek, Arzu (Hard, 2014)In the present study, water quality of Seydisuyu Stream Basin were investigated by determining temperature, conductivity, salinity, TDS (total dissolved solid), pH, ORP (oxidation-reduction potential), dissolved oxygen, ... -
Boron and Arsenic Levels in Water, Sediment, and Tissues of Carassius Gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in a Dam Lake
Çiçek, Arzu; Köse, Esengül; Emiroğlu, Özgür; Tokatlı, Cem; Baskurt, Sercan; Sulun, Şule (Hard, 2014)The Seydisuyu River one of the tributaries of Sakarya River which is the third largest river system in Turkey. The Seydisuyu Basin includes one of the most important boron mines in world. Boron sources in the Seydisuyu ... -
Boron Concentration in Water, Sediment and Different Organisms around Large Borate Deposits of Turkey
Emiroğlu, Özgür; Çiçek, Arzu; Arslan, Naime; Aksan, Serdar; Rüzgar, Melih (Springer, 2010)Boron is an essential nutrient for plants and an essential element for many organisms, but can be toxic to aquatic and terrestrial organisms above certain concentrations. The aim of this research was to determine boron ... -
Bozüyük yöresinde SO²'den kaynaklanan hava kirliliğinin bazı bitki türleri ile izlenmesi
Karaçam, İsmail[tarih] (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2001)Endüstriyel alan ile iç içe olan bölgelerde, tarımsal alanlar ve bitki örtüsü direkt olarak kirleticilere maruz kalmaktadır. Çok çeşitli kaynaklardan atmosfere salınan kirleticilerin bitki ve toprakta birikimi öncelikle ... -
Bozüyük yöresinde yayılış gösteren bazı bitkilerde ve topraklarda besi elementlerinin dağılımı
Tetik, Nilüfer (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2001)Bilecik iline bağlı olan Bozüyük, Eskişehir-Bursa, İstanbul-Eskişehir karayolları ile İstanbul-Ankara demiryolu üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Başta seramik endüstrilerinin (sağlık gereçleri, duvar ve yer karoları, tuğla-kiremit, ... -
Comparison of Trace Element Levels of Lichen Species Living on Different Habitats
Yazıcı, Kenan; Aslan, Ali; Çiçek, Arzu (Asian Journal Of Chemistry, 2012)In this paper, concentrations of 18 trace elements, Al, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Si and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in 16 lichen ... -
Copper, Zinc and Lead concentrations of Epipelic diatom frustules in Porsuk Stream (Sakarya River Basin, Turkey)
Tokatlı, Cem; Köse, Esengül; Çiçek, Arzu; Uysal, Kazım (Maik Nauka/Interperiodica/Springer, 2013)… -
The Determination of Metal Accumulation in Firethorn (Pyracantha Coccinea M. Roemer) Leaves in Eskisehir (Turkey)
Çiçek, Arzu (Chem Soc Pakistan, 2010)In this study, firethorn plant (Pyracantha coccinea M. Roemer), a prevalent shrub in Eskisehir (Turkey) city, was used to monitor the influence of metal pollution caused by traffic. Samples were collected in the fall and ... -
Determination of nitrogen and sulfur in plants and soils sampled from the area near a fertilizer plant
Çiçek, Arzu (2003)The purpose of this study was to investigate NOx and SO2-induced nitrogen and sulfur levels accumulated over vegetation and soil in the surrounds of the fertilizer plant in Kütahya, Turkey. Therefore, leaf samples collected ... -
Determination of Trace Element Concentrations in Water, Sediment and Fish Species From the Ataturk Dam Lake (Euphrates), Turkey
Ural, Mesut; Uysal, Kazım; Çiçek, Arzu; Köse, Esengül; Koçer, Mehmet Ali Turan; Arca, Selami; Yüce, Songül (Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), 2011)Trace element concentrations were determined in water, sediment and fish samples (Carassius auratus, Capoeta trutta and Cyprinus carpio) collected from Ataturk Dam Lake which is the largest dam lake in Turkey. Trace element ... -
Determination of trace element concentrations in water, sediment and fish species from the atatürk dam lake (Euphrates), Turkey
Trace element concentrations were determined in water, sediment and fish samples (Carassius auratus, Capoeta trutta and Cyprinus carpio) collected from Atatürk Dam Lake which is the largest dam lake in Turkey. Trace element ... -
Development of empirical standard weight equation for Pursak chub Squalius pursakensis, an endemic cyprinid species of Northwest Anatolia
Sulun, Şule; Baskurt, Sercan; Emiroğlu, Özgür; Giannetto, Daniela; Tarkan, Ali Serhan; Agdamar, Sevan; Çiçek, Arzu (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2014)Indices of condition enable the evaluation of the well-being of fish, with the assumption that heavier fish of a given length are in a better condition. Relative weight (W-r) is one of these indices; it is calculated by ...