Browsing by Author "Özden, Özlem"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Atmosferik uçucu organik bileşiklerin ölçümü için pasif örnekleyici geliştirilmesi ve kullanımı
Özden, Özlem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2013)Bu tez çalışması kapsamında, atmosferdeki önemli kirletici bileşenler arasında yer alan Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin (UOB) örneklenmesi amacıyla pasif örnekleyici geliştirilmiş ve söz konusu örnekleyicinin doğruluk ve ... -
Cytogenetic biomonitoring of primary school children exposed to air pollutants: micronuclei analysis of buccal epithelial cells
Demircigil, Gonca Cakmak; Erdem, Onur; Gaga, Eftade Emine; Altuğ, Hicran; Demirel, Gülçin; Özden, Özlem; Burgaz, Sema (Springer Heidelberg, 2014)There is an increasing attempt in the world to determine the exposures of children to environmental chemicals. To analyze the genotoxic effect of air pollution, micronucleus (MN) assay was carried out in buccal epithelial ... -
Effects of air pollution on lung function and symptoms of asthma, rhinitis and eczema in primary school children
Altuğ, Hicran; Gaga, Eftade Emine; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay; Özden, Özlem; Ornektekin, Sermin; Brunekreef, Bert; Van Doorn, Wim (Springer Heidelberg, 2013)Health effects of ambient air pollution were studied in three groups of schoolchildren living in areas (suburban, urban and urban-traffic) with different air pollution levels in EskiAYehir, Turkey. This study involved 1,880 ... -
Evaluation of air quality by passive and active sampling in an urban city in Turkey: current status and spatial analysis of air pollution exposure
Gaga, Eftade Emine; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay; Özden, Özlem; Arı, Akif; Yay, Ozan Devrim; Altuğ, Hicran; Van Doorn, Wim (Springer Heidelberg, 2012)Concentrations of air pollutants, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O-3), particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), trace metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in 2008 and 2009 in ... -
Field evaluation of a tailor-made new passive sampler for the determination of NO(2) levels in ambient air
Özden, Özlem; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay (Springer, 2008)This study describes the field evaluation of a tailor-made new glass passive sampler developed for the determination of NO(2), based on the collection on triethanolemine (TEA)-coated fibre filter paper. The sampler has ... -
Hava kalitesinin monitorlanmasında pasif örnekleyicilerin kullanılması
Özden, Özlem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2005)Pasif örnekleyicilerin basit, kolay taşınabilir ve ucuz olmaları, elektrik gücüne ihtiyaç duyulmaksızın örnekleme imkanı sağlamaları, hava kirletici bileşenlerin monitorlama çalışmalarında kullanımlarını gün geçtikçe daha ... -
Performance evaluation of a tailor-made passive sampler for monitoring of tropospheric ozone
Özden, Özlem; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay (Springer Heidelberg, 2012)This study presents the performance evaluation of a tailor-made passive sampler developed for the monitoring of tropospheric ozone. The performance of the passive sampler was tested in the field conditions in terms of ... -
Personal exposure of primary school children to BTEX, NO2 and ozone in Eskisehir, Turkey: Relationship with indoor/outdoor concentrations and risk assessment
Demirel, Gülçin; Özden, Özlem; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay; Gaga, Eftade Emine (Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Personal exposures of 65 primary school children to benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes (BTEX), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O-3) were measured during 24 h by using organic vapor monitors and tailor-made passive ... -
Respiratory Health Symptoms among Students Exposed to Different Levels of Air Pollution in a Turkish City
Gül, Hülya; Gaga, Eftade Emine; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay; Özden, Özlem; Ayvaz, Özkan; Özel, Sevda; Güngör, Günay (MDPI AG, 2011)In this study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of respiratory health symptoms among high school students attending schools at industrial, urban and rural areas in a Turkish city. Three schools located in different ... -
Spatial variation of VOCs and inorganic pollutants in a university building
Yurdakul, Sema; Civan, Mihriban; Özden, Özlem; Gaga, Eftade Emine; Döğeroğlu, Tuncay; Tuncel, Gurdal (Turkish Natl Committee Air Pollution Res & Control-Tuncap, 2017)Indoor concentrations of 34 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O-3) were measured at 32 sampling points in classes, offices and hallways of the Environmental Engineering ...