Browsing by Author "Arslanyolu, Muhittin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Bioinformatic analysis of Tetrahymena thermophila ATP dependent DNA ligases
Akdamar, H. Acelya; Küçükoğlu, Nurçin; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Elsevier Science BV, 2009)… -
Characterization of affinity tag features of recombinant Tetrahymena thermophila glutathione-S-transferase zeta for Tetrahymena protein expression vectors
Öziç, Cem; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2012)Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is the one of most widely used affinity tags in biotechnology applications. The present study named a GST gene as the TtGSTz1 gene, characterized with the conserved glutathione binding motif ... -
Cloning a putative mitogen activated protein kinase kinase full length cDNA from Origanum onites
Poyraz, I.; Sözen, Emel; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Blackwell Publishing, 2007)… -
Cloning and partial characterization of Tetrahymena thermophila mitogen activated protein kinase 3 (TtMPK3) gene
Arslanyolu, Muhittin (2007)In this study, a full-length cDNA fragment encoding putative mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) from Tetrahymena thermophila was cloned by using RT-PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers. Based upon the presence ... -
Cloning, expression and characterization of a gene encoding mitogen activated protein kinase 2 (MPK2) from Tetrahymena thermophila
Arslanyolu, Muhittin; Yıldız, Mehmet Taha (Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Environmental effects and mitogens determine cell phenotype in eukaryotes mainly through MAPK pathways. However, MAPK signaling pathways in T. thermophila have not been studied comprehensively. This study aims to express ... -
A comparative in-silico analysis of autophagy proteins in ciliates
Aslan, Erhan; Küçükoğlu, Nurçin; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Peerj Inc, 2017)Autophagy serves as a turnover mechanism for the recycling of redundant and/or damaged macromolecules present in eukaryotic cells to re-use them under starvation conditions via a double-membrane structure known as ... -
DNA ile beslenen aç tetrahymena thermophila hücrelerinde deoksiribonükleaz (DNaz) aktivitesinin gen ifadesi açısından karakterizasyonu
Aslan, Erhan (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2013)Deoksiribonükleazlar, çift ya da tek iplikli DNA moleküllerini kesen dizi bağımsız enzim grubudur. Bu enzimlerin in vivo da, apoptosis sırasında DNA parçalanması ve yabancı DNA’ların hücre içine girişini önlemek gibi çeşitli ... -
Efficient expression of codon-adapted affinity tagged super folder green fluorescent protein for synchronous protein localization and affinity purification studies in Tetrahymena thermophila
Yılmaz, Gürkan; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Biomed Central LTD, 2015)Background: A superior Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) mutant, known as superfolder GFP (sfGFP), is more soluble, faster folding, and is the brightest of the known GFP mutants. This study aimed to create a codon-adapted ... -
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and toxicity of isolated arctiin from the seeds of Centaurea sclerolepis
A well known anti-cancer lignan arctiin has not been studied for its antibacterial activity based on our literature search. In the present work, the antibacterial and general toxicity of the arctiin from the seeds of ... -
Fiziksel Genom Haritalamasında Geliştirilen Yeni Metod: Optik Haritalama
Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2007)Genom projelerinin dizi analiz yaklaşımları kısmen genom büyüklüğüyle ilişkilidir. Büyük genomlara sahip ökaryotik organizmaların bütünsel genom analizi bu sebeple oldukça güçtür. Büyüklük problemi, insan genom projesinde ... -
Identification of neutral and acidic deoxyribonuclease activities in Tetrahymena thermophila life stages
Aslan, Erhan; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Elsevier GMBH, 2015)Deoxyribonucleases (DNases) play a major role in apoptotic DNA fragmentation/degradation, and apoptotic-like DNA degradation is also observed during conjugation of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila; however, the ... -
In silico identification and characterization of the MAPK family members of unicellular model eukaryote Tetrahymena thermophila
Yıldız, Mehmet Taha; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Elsevier GMBH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2014)The biological function and evolutionary diversity of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family have mostly been studied in fungi, animals and plants, with very limited information from lower eukaryotes. This study ... -
Isolation of Quality Total RNA from the Aromatic Plant Origanum onites
Poyraz, İsmail; Sözen, Emel; Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Verlag Z Naturforsch, 2010)We successfully used the guanidine isothiocyanate method for isolation of total RNA from leaf, stem, and root tissues of the aromatic plant Origanum onites. The RNA was extracted with TRI Reagent (R) at room temperature ... -
İnsan büyüme hormonu salgılatma sinyal dizisinin Tetrahymena thermophila tarafından rekombinant protein üretiminde kullanımı
Dereli, Serkan (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2017)Tetrahymena thermophila ökaryotik, silli ve tek hücreli bir organizma olup, kısa bölünme süresi ve kolay kültürizasyona sahip bir model organizmadır. Organizmanın rekombinant kapasitesi, insan DNazI enzimi ile insan alkalin ... -
Molecular Cloning and Partial Characterization of Tetrahymena Thermophila Mitogen Activated Proteın Kinase 1 (TtMPK1) Gene
Arslanyolu, Muhittin (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2006)In eukaryotes, environment and mitogens determine cell’s basic phenotypes mainly through mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. In this study, a cDNA fragment coding a putative MAPK gene from Tetrahymena thermophila ... -
Tetrahymena thermophila Glutatyon-S-Transferaz Zeta geninin klonlanması, biyoinformatik ve deneysel karakterizasyonu
Öziç, Cem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2008)Glutatyon-S-transferaz (GST) enzimleri canlılarda endojen ve ekzojen bileşiklerin detoksifikasyonu sağlarlar. Tetrahymena genom proje sonuçları bu enzim ailesi açısından analiz edildiğinde, 4 alt-grup (theta, omega, mu, ...