Browsing by Author "Günkaya, Zerrin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Adsorption of Copper from Waste Printed Circuit Boards with Modified Orange Peels
Özkan, Aysun; Günkaya, Zerrin; Yapici, Ece; Banar, Müfide (North Carolina State University Dept Wood & Paper Sci, 2017)Copper adsorption from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) was studied using biosorbents derived from waste orange peels (OP). The orange peels were modified by different methods including saponification with NaOH (OP-S), ... -
Cadmium stabilization via sequential application of phytoremediation and pyrolysis
Özkan, Aysun; Banar, Müfide; Günkaya, Zerrin; Kulaç, Alev; Yalçın, Gülser; Taşpınar, Kadriye; Altay, Abdullah (Pamukkale University, 2016)The objective of this study is the treatment of cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil and stabilization of cadmium (Cd) in a solid product. For this aim, phytoremediation and pyrolysis were sequentially applied. Phytoremediation ... -
Characterization of pyrolytic oil obtained from pyrolysis of TDF (Tire Derived Fuel)
Banar, Müfide; Akyıldız, Vildan; Özkan, Aysun; Günkaya, Zerrin; Onay, Özlem (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2012)In recent years, waste utilization before disposing to the land is the most important point about waste management. Due to the increasing emphasis on recycling, related to the two European Commission Directives (EC End of ... -
A comparative life cycle analysis of two different juice packages
Banar, Müfide; Günkaya, Zerrin (Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2008)Packaging wastes have a portion of 12-15% in total municipal solid waste (MSW) in Turkey, and they have to be evaluated from production to final disposal from the environmental point of view. The concern about the environmental ... -
Comparison of Different Modeling Methods of Copper Adsorption by Modified Orange Peels
Özkan, Aysun; Özkan, K.; Işık, S.; Günkaya, Zerrin; Banar, Müfide (Agro Arge Danışmanlık San Ve Tic As, 2016)Copper (Cu) which has higher electrical and thermal conductivity is an essential element in different sectors. Also, wastes occurred in these sectors contains copper in high amounts. For instance, printed circuit boards ... -
An environmental comparison of biocomposite film based on orange peel-derived pectin jelly-corn starch and LDPE film: LCA and biodegradability
Günkaya, Zerrin; Banar, Müfide (Springer Heidelberg, 2016)A new biodegradable film, based on orange peel-derived pectin jelly and corn starch developed in our labs, was environmentally compared with a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film. An environmental assessment was realized ... -
Environmental Performance of Electricity Generation Based on Resources: A Life Cycle Assessment Case Study in Turkey
Günkaya, Zerrin; Özdemir, Alp; Özkan, Aysun; Banar, Müfide (MDPI, 2016)The aim of this paper was to determine how to change the environmental performance of electricity generation depending on the resources and their shares, in order to support decision-makers. Additionally, this paper presents ... -
Evaluation of solid product obtained from tire-derived fuel (TDF) pyrolysis as carbon black
Banar, Müfide; Özkan, Aysun; Akyıldız, Vildan; Günkaya, Zerrin; Onay, Özlem (Springer, 2015)The main focus of this study was quality improvement of solid product obtained from tire-derived fuel (TDF) pyrolysis to use it as a substitute for commercial carbon blacks. First of all, TDF samples were analyzed by means ... -
Fitoremediasyon ve piroliz işlemlerinin ardışık uygulamasıyla kadmiyum stabilizasyonu
Bu çalışmanın amacı, toprakta kirletici olarak bulunan kadmiyumun (Cd) stabilizasyonunu sağlamak için, ardışık olarak fitoremediasyon ve piroliz işlemlerinin uygulanmasıdır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, kadmiyumla kirlenmiş ... -
Improvement of Solid Product Quality in Pyrolysis of Tyre Derived Fuels (TDF)
Akyıldız, Vildan; Özkan, Aysun; Günkaya, Zerrin; Banar, Müfide; Baydar, Semih (Aidic Servizi Srl, 2010)Waste tyres do not decompose easily in the nature and cause to many environmental problems. Although, 24 million tyres / y are produced and 8.5 million (180.000 t) of these amount become waste in Turkey, these waste tyres ... -
Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Magnesia Spinel Brick Production
Özkan, Aysun; Günkaya, Zerrin; Tok, Gülden; Karacasulu, Levent; Metesoy, Melike; Banar, Müfide; Kara, Alpagut (MDPI AG, 2016)Sustainable use of natural resources in the production of construction materials has become a necessity both in Europe and Turkey. Construction products in Europe should have European Conformity (CE) and Environmental ... -
Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Production from Natural Gas Combined Cycle
Banar, Müfide; Günkaya, Zerrin (Aidic Servizi Srl, 2010)Natural gas has the largest share of utility power generation in Turkey, accounting for approximately 61.3% of all utility-produced electricity. Therefore, understanding the environmental implications of producing electricity ... -
Life cycle assessment of solid waste management options for Eskisehir, Turkey
Banar, Müfide; Günkaya, Zerrin; Özkan, Aysun (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2009)Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was used to determine the optimum municipal solid waste (MSW) management strategy for Eskisehir city. Eskisehir is one of the developing cities of Turkey where a total of approximately ... -
A Life Cycle Comparison of Alternative Cheese Packages
Banar, Müfide; Günkaya, Zerrin (Wiley, 2009)A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) between three different cheese packages (P1: completely polypropylene (PP), P2: tin and polyethylene (PE), and P3: carton and PE) has been carried out for the production, distribution ... -
Lifecycle Assessment of Steel Rebar Production with Induction Melting Furnace: Case Study in Turkey
Özdemir, Alp; Günkaya, Zerrin; Özkan, Aysun; Ersen, Orbay; Bilgic, Muammer; Banar, Müfide (Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2018)This paper demonstrates the utilization of the lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodology to determine the environmental burdens of steel rebar production with induction melting furnace technology. The data were obtained from ... -
Meriç Nehri Deltası (Edirne) Balıklarında Toksik Metallerin Biyolojik Birikimlerinin Araştırılması
Tokatlı, Cem; Emiroğlu, Özgür; Çiçek, Arzu; Köse, Esengül; Başkurt, Sercan; Aksu, Sadi; Baştatlı, Yasin (2016)Meriç Nehri Deltası, ülkemizin Trakya Bölgesi'nin en önemli sucul ekosistemidir ve havzada yürütülen yoğun tarımsal faaliyetlerden ve özellikle Ergene Nehri'nden kaynaklanan önemli derecede organik ve inorganik kirliliğe ... -
Modified orange peels for the recovery of silver from waste printed circuit boards
Özkan, Aysun; Yapici, Ece; Günkaya, Zerrin; Banar, Müfide (Agro Arge Danışmanlık San Ve Tic As, 2016)In this study, it was focused on the silver adsorption from PCB by biosorbents derived from orange peels. In this content, orange peels (OP) were modified by different methods including saponification with NaOH (OP-S), ... -
Orange Peel-Derived Pectin Jelly and Corn Starch-Based Biocomposite Film with Layered Silicates
Günkaya, Zerrin; Banar, Müfide; Seyhan, Abdullah Tuğrul (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)Orange peel-derived pectin jelly/corn starch-based biocomposite films with and without layered silicates (LSs) were prepared using melt extrusion followed by film die casting. To enhance interfacial compatibility, corn ... -
Portakal kabuğu atıklarından üretilen biyokompozit ambalaj filminin aflatoksinlere karşı etkisinin incelenmesi
Günkaya, Zerrin; Demirel, Rasime; Banar, Müfide (Pamukkale University, 2016)Bu çalışmada yenilikçi bir ürün olarak, portakal kabuğu atıklarından üretilen biyokompozit ambalaj filmine, aflatoksin önleyici özellik kazandırılması üzerinde durulmuştur. Biyokompozit filmin içeriğini portakal kabuklarından ... -
Portakal kabuğu atıklarından üretilen biyokompozit ambalaj filminin aflatoksinlere karşı etkisinin incelenmesi
Günkaya, Zerrin; Demirel, Rasime; Banar, Müfide (2016)Bu çalışmada yenilikçi bir ürün olarak, portakal kabuğu atıklarından üretilen biyokompozit ambalaj filmine, aflatoksin önleyici özellik kazandırılması üzerinde durulmuştur. Biyokompozit filmin içeriğini portakal kabuklarından ...