Browsing by Author "Ocak, Atila"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Calamintha pamphylica subsp alanyense (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey
Alan, Sevim; Ocak, Atila; Duman, Hayri (Finnish Zoological Botanical Publishing Board, 2007)Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. alanyense S. Alan & Ocak subsp. nova is described and illustrated from the northwest of Alanya (Antalya) in Turkey. It is characterized by a puberulent, densely glandular flowering ... -
Calamintha pamphylica subsp. alanyense (Lamiaceae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey
Alan, Sevim; Ocak, Atila; Duman, Hayri (2007)Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. alanyense S. Alan & Ocak subsp. nova is described and illustrated from the northwest of Alanya (Antalya) in Turkey. It is characterized by a puberulent, densely glandular flowering ... -
Centaurea cadmea subsp. pontica subsp. nov. (Asteraceae) from northwest Anatolia, Turkey
Köse, Yavuz Bülent; Ocak, Atila; Erkara, Ismuhan Potoğlu (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)Centaurea cadmea Boiss. subsp. pontica Wagenitz ex Y.B. Kose & Ocak (Asteraceae), a new subspecies occuring in north Anatolia, Turkey, is described and illustrated. The new subspecies grows in rocky places in the Zonguldak ... -
Essential oil composition of stachys obliqua waldst. Et kit.
Demirci, Betül; Yıldız, G.; Kırımer, Neşe; Ocak, Atila; Başer, K. Hüsnü Can (Badebio Biotechnololgy Ltd, 2018)The genus Stachys L. (Lamiaceae) is represented in Turkey by 83 species and altogether 109 taxa. The rate of endemism in Turkey is 43.4 with 33 species. Stachys. obliqua Waldst et Kit was collected in July, 2015 in Yarımca ... -
The flora of the northern part of the Emirdag mountains
Köse, Yavuz Bülent; Ocak, Atila (2004)This study concerns the flora of the northern part of the Emirdag nountains. According to Davis's grid system, the research area lies in B3 square. Four hundred and ninety-five taxa belonging to 279 genera and 70 families ... -
The flora of the northern part of the Emirdağ Mountains
Köse, Yavuz Bülent; Ocak, Atila (2004)Bu çalışma Davis'in grid sistemine göre B3 karesinde yer alan Emirdağlarının kuzey yarısının florasını kapsamaktadır. Araştırma alanından toplanan 754 bitki örneğinin teşhis edilmesi sonucunda 70 familyaya ait 279 cins, ... -
Habitats and distribution of fern species in Bilecik, Turkey
Türe, Cengiz; Ocak, Atila (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2015)The study aimed at establishment of fern species in the forest area of Bilecik, Turkey. Twelve Pteridophyta species belonging to four families were recorded, Aspleniaceae being the most represented family with the largest ... -
An Investigation of Diversity, Distribution and Monitoring on Poaceae (Gramineae) Species Growing Naturally in Bilecik Province At the Intersection of Three Phytogeographical Regions (Northwest Anatolia - Turkey)
Ocak, Atila; Türe, Cengiz; Senmerdan, A. Baran; Böcük, Harun (Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2009)Anatolia is located at the intersection of two important gene centers like Mediterranean and Near East, and in the ninth order among all continental countries in terms of biodiversity. In this study, plant diversity of ... -
An investigation of diversity, distribution and monitoring on Poaceae (Gramineae) species growing naturally in Bilecik province at the intersection of three Phytogeographical regions (Northwest Anatolia - Turkey)
Anatolia is located at the intersection of two important gene centers like Mediterranean and Near East, and in the ninth order among all continental countries in terms of biodiversity. In this study, plant diversity of ... -
Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on Some Species of Colchicum L.
Küçük, Sevim; Ocak, Atila; Canim, Betül (Bangladesh Botanical Soc, 2017)Some morphological and anatomical characteristics of Colchicum szovitsii Fisch. & Mey., C. triphyllum G. Kunze. C. burtii Meikle (endemic), C. umbrosum Steven and C. bornmuelleri Freyn (endemic) were observed. The specimens ... -
Morphological, anatomical and ecological studies on Tulipa armena Boiss. var. lycica (Baker) Marais (Liliaceae)
Ocak, Atila; Alan, Sevim; Ataşlar, Ebru (2004)This study presents investigations into the morphological, anatomical and ecological features of Tulipa armena Boiss. var. lycica (Baker) Marais. T. armena var. lycica, an endemic species which was collected from the ... -
A new Veronica (Plantaginaceae) species from Central Anatolia, Turkey
Yaylacı, O. Koray; Sezer, Okan; Ozgisi, Kurtulus; Öztürk, Dervis; Erkara, Ismuhan Potoğlu; Koyuncu, Onur; Ocak, Atila (Magnolia Press, 2018)Veronica ersin-yucelii (subg. Pentasepalae, Plantaginaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species. It grows on marble rocks and screes, in one single site in Central Anatolia (Eskisehir Province), at elevations ... -
Taxonomical and morphological studies on the genus Calamintha Miller (Lamiaceae) in Turkey
Alan, Sevim; Ocak, Atila (2009)Türkiye Florası’nda Calamintha Miller (Lamiaceae) cinsi 6’sı endemik olmak üzere 9 tür ve 13 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Calamintha cinsine ait 13 takson sistematik ve morfolojik yönden incelenmiş, ... -
Yunusemre Beldesi (Eskişehir) ve Çevresinin Florası
Araştırma alanı Yunusemre Beldesi (Eskişehir) ve çevresini kapsamaktadır. Araştırma alanının tamamı Davis’in kareleme sistemine göre B3 karesinde yer almaktadır. Floranın belirlenmesi için 2012?2013 yılları arasında araştırma ...