Browsing by Author "Pütün, Ayşe Eren"
Now showing items 1-20 of 99
Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. bitkisinin flavonoid bileşikleri
Özbay, Nurgül (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 1991)Bu çalışmada Temmuz 1989'da Eskişehir Arçelik Fabrikası yakının- dan toplanan Acroptilon repens bitkisinin flavonoid bileşikleri ince- lenmiştir. Bitkinin kurutulan ve toz edilen toprak üstü kısımları bir soks- let apareyinde ... -
Adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by bio-char, a by-product of pyrolysis
Kılıç, Murat; Kırbıyık, Cisem; Cepelioğullar, Özge; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Elsevier Science BV, 2013)Bio-char, a by-product of almond shell pyrolysis, was used as an alternative adsorbent precursor for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. The adsorption potential of almond shell bio-char for Ni(II) and ... -
Adsorptive removal of phenol from aqueous solutions on activated carbon prepared from tobacco residues: Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics
Kılıç, Murat; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Elsevier Science BV, 2011)This study consists of producing high surface area activated carbon from tobacco residues by chemical activation and its behavior of phenol removal from aqueous solutions. K(2)CO(3) and KOH were used as chemical activation ... -
Bio-oil from olive oil industry wastes: Pyrolysis of olive residue under different conditions
Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Uzun, Başak Burcu; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Pütün, Ersan (Elsevier Science BV, 2005)Olive residues were pyrolysed in a fixed bed reactor under different pyrolysis conditions to determine the role of final temperature, sweeping gas flow rate and steam velocity on the product yields and liquid product ... -
Bio-oil production by fast pyrolysis of olive residue: Effect of pyrolysis temperature and heating rate
Uzun, Başak Burcu; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Pütün, Ersan (Norwegian University Sci Technol, 2005)In this study our aim is to reach high yields of bio-oil in a fixed bed tubular reactor at various pyrolysis temperatures, sweeping gas velocities, and heating rates. In these experiments, to improve heat and mass transfer, ... -
Bio-oil production from pyrolysis and steam pyrolysis of soybean-cake: product yields and composition
Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Apaydın, Elif; Pütün, Ersan (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2002)The slow pyrolysis of soybean cake in a fixed-bed reactor was investigated under three different atmospheres: static, for determining the effects of pyrolysis temperature and particle size, nitrogen and steam. The liquid ... -
Bio-oil production from rapid pyrolysis of cottonseed cake: product yields and compositions
Özbay Nurgül; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Pütün, Ersan (Wiley, 2006)Fixed-bed fast pyrolysis experiments have been conducted on a sample of cottonseed cake to determine the effects of pyrolysis temperature, heating rate and sweep gas flow rate on pyrolysis yields and chemical compositions ... -
Bio-oil production via co-pyrolysis of almond shell as biomass and high density polyethylene
Önal, Eylem; Uzun, Başak Burcu; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2014)Biomass from almond shell (aS) was co-pyrolyzed with high density polyethylene (HDPE) polymer to investigate the synergistic effects on the product yields and compositions. The pyrolysis temperature was selected as 500 C, ... -
Biocrude from biomass: pyrolysis of cottonseed cake
Özbay Nurgül; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Uzun, Başak Burcu; Pütün, Ersan (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2001)Fixed-bed pyrolysis experiments have been conducted on a sample of cottonseed cake to determine the possibility of being a potential source of renewable fuels and chemicals feed-stocks, in two different reactors, namely a ... -
Biodiesel production from waste frying oils: Optimization of reaction parameters and determination of fuel properties
Uzun, Başak Burcu; Kılıç, Murat; Özbay Nurgül; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Pütün, Ersan (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2012)Alkali-catalyzed transesterification of waste frying oils (WFO) was carried out in various conditions to investigate the effects of catalyst concentration, reaction time, methanol/oil molar ratio, reaction temperature, ... -
Biomass to bio-oil via fast pyrolysis of cotton straw and stalk
Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2002)Cotton straw and stalk were thermo-chemically processed by fast pyrolysis under different conditions in a fixed tubular reactor. Fast pyrolysis studies were carried out under sweeping gas atmosphere in two groups. The ... -
Biosorption Behaviour of an Arid Land Plant, Euphorbia rigida, Towards to Heavy Metals: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies
T he potential of an arid-land plant, Euphorbia rigida (E. rigida), for the removal of heavy metals [Pb(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Cd(II), Ni(II)] from aqueous solutions was studied in the current work. Batch sorption experiments ... -
Biyokütle esaslı karbon köpük üretimi ve karakterizasyonu
Kılıç, Murat (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2015)Bu çalışmada, ileri karbon malzemeler arasında önemli bir yere sahip olan ve genellikle fosil ziftlerden elde edilen karbon köpüğün biyokütle esaslı üretimi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, biyokütle katranından elde edilen ... -
Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass in inert and steam atmospheres
Pütün, Ersan; Ateş, Funda; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Elsevier Sci LTD, 2008)The objective of this study was to investigate thermal conversion of a perennial shrub, Euphorbia rigida biomass sample with catalyst in inert (N-2) and steam atmospheres. Experimental studies were conducted in a well swept ... -
Catalytic pyrolysis of perennial shrub, Euphorbia rigida in the water vapour atmosphere
Ateş, Funda; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Pütün, Ersan (Elsevier Science BV, 2005)In this study, the perennial shrub Euphorbia rigida, was used as biomass sample for catalytic pyrolysis using Co-Mo commercial catalyst (Criterion-534) in the water vapour atmosphere. Experimental studies were conducted ... -
Centaurea urvillei DC. subsp. urvillei flavonoidleri
Özcan, Adnan (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 1990)Bu çalışmada 1982'de Niğde, Çiftehan'dan toplanan Centaurea ur- villei D.C. subsp. urvillei (ISTE 50886) bitkisi flavonoid bileşikle- ri açısından incelenmiştir. Bitkinin kurutulan ve toz edilen topraküstü kısımları bir ... -
Characterization of bio-oil obtained from fruit pulp pyrolysis
ÖzbAy, Nuran; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Burcu, Uzun, B.; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Elsevier Ltd, 2008)Apricot pulps was pyrolyzed in a fixed-bed reactor under different pyrolysis conditions to determine the role of final temperature, sweeping gas flow rate and steam velocity on the product yields and liquid product composition ... -
Characterization of Chars from Steam Pyrolysis of Apricot Pulp
Özbay Nurgül; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2011)The characterization of apricot pulp char obtained from steam pyrolysis was studied. The char was prepared by pyrolyzing apricot pulp temperatures ranging from 300 to 700 degrees C under steam atmospheres. The chemical ... -
Chemically activated carbon production from agricultural waste of chickpea and its application for heavy metal adsorption: equilibrium, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies
Özsin, Gamzenur; Kılıç, Murat; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Pütün, Ayşe Eren (Springer Heidelberg, 2019)The purpose of this study was to produce activated carbons (ACs) from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) husks by chemical activation (KOH and K2CO3) and to examine their feasibility in removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions. ... -
Co-pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of plastic waste with biomass waste
Kılıç, M.; Pütün, Ayşe Eren; Pütün, Ersan (Nis University, 2011)In the present study, co-pyrolysis of plastic waste with biomass waste were carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer heating from room temperature to 800 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C min-1 in the presence of nitrogen ...