Browsing by Author "Say, Rıdvan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 180
3D Micropatterned All-Flexible Microfluidic Platform for Microwave-Assisted Flow Organic Synthesis
Hür, Deniz; Say, Mehmet G.; Emir Diltemiz, Sibel; Duman, Fatma; Ersöz, Arzu; Say, Rıdvan (Wiley-V C H Verlag GMBH, 2018)A large-area, all-flexible, microwaveable polydimethoxysilane microfluidic reactor was fabricated by using a 3D printing system. The sacrificial microchannels were printed on polydimethoxysilane substrates by a direct ink ... -
4-Aminophenyl boronic acid modified gold platforms for influenza diagnosis
Emir Diltemiz, Sibel; Ersöz, Arzu; Hür, Deniz; Keçili, Rüstem; Say, Rıdvan (Elsevier, 2013)As a potential pandemic threat to human health, there has been an urgent need for rapid, sensitive, simpler and less expensive detection method for the highly pathogenic influenza A virus. For this purpose, Quartz Crystal ... -
8-OHdG sensing with MIP based solid phase extraction and QCM technique
Ersöz, Arzu; Emir Diltemiz, Sibel; Özcan, A. Atılır; Denizli, Adil; Say, Rıdvan (Elsevier Science Sa, 2009)8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) is one of the most abundant oxidative DNA lesions resulting from reactive oxygen species (ROS). The routine measurement of 8-OHdG in biologic samples is a difficult analytical problem ... -
Adsorption behaviours of lysozyme onto poly-hydroxyethyl methacrylate cryogels containing methacryloyl antipyrine-Ce(III)
Baysal, Zubeyde; Aksoy, Eyyup; Dolak, İbrahim; Ersöz, Arzu; Say, Rıdvan (Taylor & Francis As, 2018)In this study, Ce3+-based cryogel with methacryloyl antipyrine (MAAP) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylic acid (HEMA) [p(HEMA-MAAP-Ce3+] was prepared. MAAP-Ce3+ complex was characterized by UV-near infrared and energy-dispersive ... -
Adsorption of Ni2+ from aqueous solutions by novel polyethyleneimine-attached poly(p-chloromethylstyrene) beads
Say, Rıdvan; Tuncel, A; Denizli, Adil (John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002)In this study Ni2+ adsorption properties of polyethyleneimine (PEI)-attached poly(p-chloromethylstyrene) (PCMS) beads were investigated. Spherical beads with an average size of 186 gm were obtained by the suspension ... -
Affinity separation of immunoglobulin G subclasses on dye attached poly (hydroxypropyl methacrylate) beads
Yavuz, Handan; Akgol, Sinan; Say, Rıdvan; Denizli, Adil (Elsevier Science BV, 2006)Poly(hydroxypropyl methacrylate) [poly(HPMA)] gel beads with an average size of 150-200 mu m were prepared by suspension polymerization of hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA). The poly(HPMA) gel beads were characterized by ... -
Affinity separation of plasma proteins using a newly synthesized methacrylamidoalanine incorporated porous pHEMA membranes
Yavuz, Handan; Patir, S; Say, Rıdvan; Arıca, Y; Denizli, Adil (Marcel Dekker Inc, 2002)In this study, we synthesized a novel adsorbent to obtain high protein-adsorption capacity utilizing 2-methacrylamidoalanine (MAAL) containing membrane. Amino acid-ligand MAAL was synthesized by using methacrylochloride ... -
Anti-LDL antibody-nanoparticles embedded cryogel for low density lipoprotein-depletion from hypercholesterolemic human serum
Yavuz, Serpil Ozkara; Ünlüer, Özlem Biçen; Ersöz, Arzu; Say, Rıdvan (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019)In this study, we have focused our attention on developing a novel immunoadsorbent while combining cryogel-based specific sorbents with immunoaffinity (anti-LDL antibody). A novel method has been developed by our group ... -
Antibakteriyel ve mimik özellikte nanobiyokonjugat geliştirilmesi
Fındık, Bahar Tuba (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2010)S.aureus hafif deri enfeksiyonlarından, endokard iltihabı, septisemi, toksik şok sendromu gibi hayati öneme sahip pek çok hastalığa neden olan çok yaygın rastlanan insan ve hayvan patojenidir. S. aureus enfeksiyonlarda ... -
Antipirin bazlı monolitik kolon geliştirilmesi ve penisilin amidohidrolaz enzimi ayrılmasında kullanımı
Keçili, Rüstem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2006)Bu çalışmada, Poli(Etilenglikoldimetakrilat-co-metakroil amidoantipirin) [Poli (EGDMA-co-MAAP)] monolitik afinite sorbentinin geliştirilmesi penisilin amidohidrolaz (penisilin açilaz) (E.C enzimi adsorpsiyonunda ... -
Aspartic acid incorporated monolithic columns for affinity glycoprotein purification
Armutcu, Canan; Bereli, Nilay; Bayram, Engin; Uzun, Lokman; Say, Rıdvan; Denizli, Adil (Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Novel aspartic acid incorporated monolithic columns were prepared to efficiently affinity purify immunoglobulin G (IgG) from human plasma. The monolithic columns were synthesised in a stainless steel HPLC column (20 cm x ... -
Bilirubin recognition via molecularly imprinted supermacroporous cryogels
Baydemir, Gözde; Bereli, Nilay; Andaç, Müge; Say, Rıdvan; Galaev, Igor Yu; Denizli, Adil (Elsevier Science BV, 2009)Recent years molecular imprinting has received considerable attention as an excellent and simple approach to recognize small molecules and bioactive substances. The aim of this study is to prepare the bilirubin-imprinted ... -
Binding behavior of Fe3+ ions on ion-imprinted polymeric beads for analytical applications
Saatçilar, Özgen; Satıroğlu, Nuray; Say, Rıdvan; Bektaş, Sema; Denizli, Adil (John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2006)We used a molecular imprinting approach to achieve specific metal binding utilizing N-methacryloyl-(L)cysteine methyl ester (MAC) as a metal-complexing ligand. MAC was synthesized using methacryloyl chloride and cysteine ... -
Bioconjugated and Cross-Linked Bionanostructures for Bifunctional Immunohistochemical Labeling
Say, Rıdvan; Aydoğan-Kılıc, G.; Özcan, Ayça Atılır; Hür, Deniz; Yılmaz, Filiz; Denizli, Adil; Ersöz, Arzu (Cambridge University Press, 2012)The present study describes the development and use of a new bioconjugate combining targeted quantum dot labeling with an immunoperoxidase method and explores whether these bioconjugates could specifically and effectively ... -
Biomimetic catalysis of an organophosphate by molecularly surface imprinted polymers
Say, Rıdvan; Erdem, M; Ersöz, Arzu; Türk, Hayrettin; Denizli, Adil (Elsevier Science BV, 2005)A synthetic polymer selective for paraoxon was prepared by a molecular surface imprinting technique. We have combined molecular imprinting with the ability of histidine to chelate metal ions to create active centrum of ... -
Biomimetic Imprinted Polymers: Theory, Design Methods, and Catalytic Applications. Theory, Design Methods, and Catalytic Applications
Say, Rıdvan; Keçili, Rüstem; Denizli, Adil; Ersöz, A. (Elsevier Inc., 2015)The development of novel and efficient biomimetic materials able to exhibit high catalytic activity is a massive challenge in synthetic chemistry. Natural enzymes have ability to catalyze chemical reactions with high ... -
Biomimicking, metal-chelating and surface-imprinted polymers for the degradation of pesticides
Erdem, Murat; Say, Rıdvan; Ersöz, Arzu; Denizli, Adil; Türk, Hayrettin (Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Molecularly imprinted polymer beads (PlBs) and non-imprinted (control) polymer beads (NIBs) have been prepared from methacryloylhistidine-Co2+, -Ni2+, and -Zn2+ monomers and applied as catalyst in the hydrolysis of paraoxon ... -
Biopolymer based ion imprinting cryogel traps for the removal of Tl(I)
Cankara, Semra; Özkütük, Ebru Birlik; Öztürk, Ömer; Ersöz, Arzu; Say, Rıdvan (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016)The aim of this study is to prepare supermacroporous cryogel with embedded ion imprinted polymer (IIP) particles which can be used for the selective removal of Tl(I) from aqueous solution. In the first step, Tl(I) has ... -
Biosorption of cadmium(II), lead(II) and copper(II) with the filamentous fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Say, Rıdvan; Denizli, Adil; Arıca, MY (Elsevier Sci LTD, 2001)The biosorption from artificial wastewaters of heavy metals (Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cu(II)) onto the dry fungal biomass of Phanerochaete chryosporium was studied in the concentration range of 5-500 mg 1(-1). The maximum ... -
Biosorption of cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic ions by the fungus Penicillium purpurogenum
Say, Rıdvan; Yılmaz, N; Denizli, Adil (Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003)The potential use of the fungus Penicillium purpurogenum to remove cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic ions from aqueous solutions was evaluated. Biosorption of heavy metal ions reached equilibrium in 4 h. Heavy metal ions ...