Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 4, listelenen: 1-4

    • Amply (weakly) Goldie-Rad-supplemented modules 

      Takıl Mutlu, Figen (Inst Applied Mathematics & Mechanics Natl Acad Sciences Ukraine, 2016)
      Let R be a ring and M be a right R-module. We say a submodule S of M is a (weak) Goldie-Rad-supplement of a submodule N in M, if M = N + S, (N boolean AND S <= Rad(M)) N boolean AND S <= Rad(S) and N beta**S, andM is called ...
    • Modules Whose Submodules Are Essentially Embedded in Direct Summands 

      Takıl Mutlu, Figen; Tercan, Adnan (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2009)
      A module M is said to satisfy the C-12 condition if every submodule of M is essentially embedded in a direct summand of M. It is known that the C-11 ( and hence also C-1) condition implies the C-12 condition. We show that ...
    • On Ads-Modules With the Sip 

      Takıl Mutlu, Figen (Iranian Mathematical Soc, 2015)
      The class of ads modules with the SIP (briefly, SA-modules) is studied. Various conditions for a module to be SA-module are given. It is proved that for a quasi-continuous module M, M is a UC-module if and only if M is an ...
    • On matrix rings with the SIP and the Ads 

      Takıl Mutlu, Figen (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2018)
      In this paper, matrix rings with the summand intersection property (SIP) and the absolute direct summand (ads) property (briefly, SA) are studied. A ring R has the right SIP if the intersection of two direct summands of R ...