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dc.contributor.authorIsler, Cemre
dc.contributor.authorYıldırım, Özgür
dc.contributor.editorGomezChova, L
dc.contributor.editorLopezMartinez, A
dc.contributor.editorCandelTorres, I
dc.description7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) -- JUL 06-08, 2015 -- Barcelona, SPAINen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000376685707107en_US
dc.description.abstractIt is necessary for language learners, especially for those learners who will be English language teachers, to understand the target language culture in order to develop a full awareness of how communication includes constant negotiation, mediation and reflection. That's why researchers should try to identify prospective English language teachers' perceptions related to the target culture and predicate what perceptions will influence and shape the perceptions of the language learners in their future classes. In this regard, the primary aim of this study is to find out the prospective English language teachers' perceptions of the culture of English-speaking countries (the USA, England, Canada). This study seeks to answer the questions: (1) What are the prospective EFL teachers' perceptions on the culture of English-speaking countries? (2) How do prospective EFL teachers describe the culture of English-speaking countries? A total of 71 3rd year ELT students participated in this study. Among them, three students were interviewed. For the data collection, a questionnaire was used to collect information about the participants' perceptions related to the culture of English speaking countries. Also, semi-structured interview procedure was conducted. According to the results, it is revealed that on one hand, the candidates of language teachers generally perceive the culture of English speaking countries as a culture which minimizes power distance related to politics, but on the other hand, which does not minimize power distance between people. It is also shown in the findings that the students generally perceive the culture of English speaking countries as highly individualistic. As a final result, it is found that the students perceive the culture of English speaking countries as a low uncertainty avoidance culture.en_US
dc.publisherIATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Developmenten_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEDULEARN Proceedings
dc.subjectCultural Dimensionsen_US
dc.subjectEfl Teacher Educationen_US
dc.subjectProspective Efl Teachersen_US
dc.titleNon-Native Prospective English Language Teachers' Perceptions on the Culture of English-Speaking Countriesen_US
dc.relation.journalEdulearn15: 7th International Conference On Education and New Learning Technologiesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorYıldırım, Özgür

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