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dc.contributor.authorYalçın, Gülçin Dinç
dc.contributor.authorErginel, Nihal
dc.contributor.editorAo, SI
dc.contributor.editorGelman, L
dc.contributor.editorHukins, DWL
dc.descriptionWorld Congress on Engineering (WCE 2011) -- JUL 06-08, 2011 -- Imperial Coll, London, UNITED KINGDOMen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000393012800039en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study presents a method to determine weights of objectives in multi objective linear programming without decision maker/s preference. The method is developed by modifying Belenson and Kapur's approach under fuzziness. It is used two-person zero-sum game with mixed strategies. Degree of linear membership functions of objectives are used in pay-off matrix. The proposed method is shown with a numerical example and several fuzzy solution approaches are used to get a solution by using obtained weights. Also the results of problems that are obtained from literature are presented.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInt Assoc Engineers, IAENG, Soc Artificial Intelligence, IAENG, Soc Bioinformat, IAENG, Soc Computer Sci, IAENG, Soc Data Min, IAENG, Soc Elect Engn, IAENG, Soc Imagl Engn, IAENG, Soc Ind Engn, IAENG, Soc Informat Syst Engn, IAENG, Soc Internet Comput & Web Serv, IAENG, Soc Mech Engn, IAENG, Soc Operat Res, IAENG, Soc Sci Comput, IAENG, Soc Software Engn, IAENG, Soc Wireless Engnen_US
dc.publisherInt Assoc Engineers-Iaengen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
dc.subjectFuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programmingen_US
dc.subjectTwo Persons Zero Sum Game Theoryen_US
dc.subjectWeights Of Objectivesen_US
dc.titleDetermining Weights in Multi-Objective Linear Programming under Fuzzinessen_US
dc.relation.journalWorld Congress On Engineering, Wce 2011, Vol Iien_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.contributor.authorIDDinc Yalcin, Gulcin/0000-0001-7696-7507en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorErginel, Nihal

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