Online Nursing Education and Evaluation
Nursing is a dynamic profession that used critical thinking skills. New developments in the field of health and technology effect on nursing profession as well. Because of this, nursing education should be more important, special and continuous. Nurses as adult learners must update their knowledge and skills for safe and effective health care services. However; nurses have the responsibilities of adult life such as family, children and work. Because of this reasons, they can not continue education that presented with traditional ways. In this context distance nursing education helps nurses who have not been suitable condition and time to continue their education with flexible and innovative delivery ways. While distance online nursing education programmes are prepared, it should be responsed some questions. Firstly, who is the audience? Are they nurses or are they candidates of nurse? Secondly, what should they learn? Thirdly, how will they learn? Fourthly, how will known that they are learn or not. The answers of all this questions provide information about how distance nursing education should be. The answer of first question provides the characteristic and needs of learners. The answer of second question provides the course content, the answer of third question provides the selection of learning environments and the last question provides the selection of the tools evaluation. The evaluation is very important in online nursing education, because it shows the program's success. In this paper, evaluation of one will be discussed based the Boz's study (2008).