Sharing of poems in virtual platforms in the contexts of primary and secondary orality and typification [Birincil ve ikincil sözlü kültür bağlaminda sanal ortamda şiir paylaşimlari ve tipleşme]
Although there is a general perception urging that interest in poetry is declining nowadays, however, it is observed that there are sharing of poems and lines from many poets in the virtual platforms and they attract a considerable interest of other people. The mentioned fact gives rise to thought that the claims on declining interest in poetry should be questioned. In this context, here it is argued that there is a shift in the character of interest in poetry rather than a decline. On the other hand, it should be stressed that these poems and lines do not belong to the attributed poets in many cases and this fact can be realized at the first sight. The determinations concerning the matter generally criticize the mentioned misguiding and assert that there is information pollution on the internet. In this article, it is aimed to explain the matter in the contexts of secondary oral culture and "typification" concepts. In this study, firstly, Walter J. Ong’s concept of the secondary oral culture in the advanced technological means is determined as the starting point. By relying on Ong, we also applied to Öcal Oğuz’s concept of "typification" which asserts that there emerged a poetic tradition thanks to oral culture personalities like Karac’oğlan. Thus, it is claimed that poet types emerged and poems have been attributed to them in the secondary oral culture. In this context, it is stressed that the poets like Cemal Süreya, Mevlana, Can Yücel have shown the peculiarity of "typification" as well as their real identity as poets. Accordingly, Cemal Süreya has been turned to a poet writing poems about love while Mevlana and Can Yücel have been portrayed as hortative poets. Here, presence of a parallelism between the attribution of a poet’s poem to someone else in the virtual platforms and "cönks" have been asserted. Finally, in the article, the attribution of anonymous poems to the mentioned poets or writing the names of them instead of the original poets is defined as the losing of poem’s ownership. It is also stressed that the mentioned situation has especially occurred in a period when words are merchandised under the ownership of writers