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dc.contributor.authorBozkurt, Mahmut
dc.contributor.authorYaşar, Şefik
dc.descriptionWOS: 000384748800008en_US
dc.description.abstractProblem Statement: In recent years in Turkey, studies have been conducted that focus on the effects that globalisation has on education, but there have not been any papers based on the historical and conceptual framework of global education. Examining the literature, it can be argued that social studies courses have played a role in preparing individuals for the social and cultural lives in which they live. For this reason, it seems to be necessary to reveal the relationship between social studies courses and global education, as well as the extent to which the courses serve the aims of global education from the perspectives of primary school teachers. This study aims to reveal primary teachers' views on training individuals who can adapt to today's world based on the basic framework of global education in the context of social studies courses, and will also present solutions for preparing students for an increasingly global world. Purpose of the Study: This study aims to investigate primary school teachers' views about global education in social studies courses. Method: Semi-structured interviews and documentary analyses were implemented in this phenomenological paper. Interviews were conducted with 12 primary school teachers at six different primary schools in Eskisehir. Documentary analyses were based on the students' assignments from the interviewed teachers' classes. In this process, 105 assignments were analysed. Content analysis was used to analyse both interviews and assignments. Findings: According to the analysis process, four main themes emerged: (1) definitions about globalisation, culture and global education; (2) global education in social studies courses; (3) suggestions about infusing global education in social studies courses; and (4) students' assignments in social studies courses. Conclusion and Recommendations: According to the findings, it is found that there are misconceptions about global education and globalisation in teachers' identifications. In the paper, it was found that the teachers' definitions of globalisation and culture were mostly positive. Respect to differences toward multiple perspectives was mentioned in the social studies courses; however, this was not reflected in the students' work. It was found that activities that can be regarded in the context of global issues and global connections were insufficient and superficial.en_US
dc.publisherAnı Yayıncılıken_US
dc.subjectThree-Interview Modelen_US
dc.subjectGlobal Issuesen_US
dc.subjectGlobal Interconnectednessen_US
dc.subjectCultural Awarenessen_US
dc.titlePrimary School Teachers' Views About Global Education in Social Studies Coursesen_US
dc.relation.journalEurasian Journal of Educational Researchen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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