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dc.contributor.authorChen, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorHubka, V.
dc.contributor.authorFrisvad, J. C.
dc.contributor.authorVisagie, C. M.
dc.contributor.authorHoubraken, J.
dc.contributor.authorMeijer, M.
dc.contributor.authorSamson, R. A.
dc.description.abstractAspergillus section Aspergillus (formerly the genus Eurotium) includes xerophilic species with uniseriate conidiophores, globose to subglobose vesicles, green conidia and yellow, thin walled eurotium-like ascomata with hyaline, lenticular ascospores. In the present study, a polyphasic approach using morphological characters, extrolites, physiological characters and phylogeny was applied to investigate the taxonomy of this section. Over 500 strains from various culture collections and new isolates obtained from indoor environments and a wide range of substrates all over the world were identified using calmodulin gene sequencing. Of these, 163 isolates were subjected to molecular phylogenetic analyses using sequences of ITS rDNA, partial ß-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) genes. Colony characteristics were documented on eight cultivation media, growth parameters at three incubation temperatures were recorded and micromorphology was examined using light microscopy as well as scanning electron microscopy to illustrate and characterize each species. Many specific extrolites were extracted and identified from cultures, including echinulins, epiheveadrides, auroglaucins and anthraquinone bisanthrons, and to be consistent in strains of nearly all species. Other extrolites are species-specific, and thus valuable for identification. Several extrolites show antioxidant effects, which may be nutritionally beneficial in food and beverages. Important mycotoxins in the strict sense, such as sterigmatocystin, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, citrinin were not detected despite previous reports on their production in this section. Adopting a polyphasic approach, 31 species are recognized, including nine new species. ITS is highly conserved in this section and does not distinguish species. All species can be differentiated using CaM or RPB2 sequences. For BenA, Aspergillus brunneus and A. niveoglaucus share identical sequences. Ascospores and conidia morphology, growth rates at different temperatures are most useful characters for phenotypic species identificationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGrantová Agentura, Univerzita Karlova: GAUK 1434217, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0109 Microscopy Society of America European Regional Development Fund Ministerstvo Å kolství, Mládeže a TÄ?lovýchovy Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Center for the Built Environment: G-2014-14529 AXA Research Fund: OTKA K115690 Ministry of Education, Youth and Science Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Division of Computing and Communication Foundations 2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China: 81473345en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis project was supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Program on the Microbiology of the Built Environment (grant number G-2014-14529 ), by the Hungarian Research Fund ( OTKA K115690 ), by the project of the Charles University Grant Agency ( GAUK 1434217 ) and the project BIOCEV ( CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0109 ) provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR and ERDF , by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 81473345 . We thank Miroslav Kolarík for his support and advice, Milada Chudícková for her invaluable assistance in the laboratory, CCF collection staff (Ivana Kelnarová, Adéla Kovarícková) for deposition and lyophilization of the cultures, Miroslav Hyliš for assistance with scanning electron microscopy. We thank Bingda Sun, Lei Wang, Seung-Beom Hong, Ivana Kelnarová, Ondrej Koukol, Alena Nováková, Pavlína Lysková, Magdalena Skorepová, Vanda Chrenková, Nada Mallátová and Polona Zalar for providing some interesting cultures. Vit Hubka is grateful for support from the Czechoslovak Microscopy Society (CSMS scholarship 2016).en_US
dc.publisherCBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centreen_US
dc.subjectAspergillus Proliferansen_US
dc.subjectEurotium Amstelodamien_US
dc.subjectMulti-Gene Phylogenyen_US
dc.titlePolyphasic taxonomy of Aspergillus section Aspergillus (formerly Eurotium), and its occurrence in indoor environments and fooden_US
dc.relation.journalStudies in Mycologyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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