Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Biyoaktif monoterpenlerin mikrobiyal transformasyonu
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2000)
Bu çalışmada, karvakrol (1), timol (2), karvakrol metil eter (3), timol metil eter (4), karvon enantiyomerleri (5, 5’) ve 55 farklı mikroorganizmayla gerçekleştirilen biyotransformasyonlarda oluşan 30 adet metabolit, ...
In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of Marrubium vulgare L. methanol extract
(Marmara University, 2019)
Marrubiuni vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) is a herbal drug used for centuries for many diseases. In this present study the plant material was acquired from commercial sources in pharma grade (PhEur 8.0) quality. The methanol extract ...
Secondary Metabolites from the Leaves of Digitalis viridiflora
(Natural Products Inc, 2017)
A new phenylethanoid glycoside, named digiviridifloroside (1), was isolated from the leaves of Digitalis viridiflora Lindley along with a known phenylethanoid glycoside, calceolarioside A (2), two flavonoid glycosides, ...