Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Regulations on Academic Staff Recruitment in Turkey
Receiving an academic title and appointing academic staff are different procedures. In the present study, the issue of appointing academic staff is analyzed under the related legislation and especially the decisions of the ...
Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Akademik Personel Atama Usûlü
Öz: Akademik unvanların alınması ile akademik personelin atanması ayrı ayrı işlemlerdir. Çalışmada akademik personelin atanması konusu, ilgili mevzuat ve özellikle Danıştay kararları çerçevesinde incelenmektedir. 657 sayılı ...
Financial Liability For the Administration on Healthcare Services
Doctor or other health professionals working in the public treatment facilities that perform medical services and compensation for losses arising due to the principles of responsibility, as a rule, is determined according ...