Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A semiotic analysis of cartoons about occupational health and safety issues in the construction workplace
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015)
The construction industry in developed and developing countries is almost always among industries with poor safety records. In decreasing the numbers of safety incidents, society's perception of construction workers, who ...
Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools and a Comparative Analysis of Five Different Assessment Tools
(Kare Publ, 2016)
The search for finding solutions for urban problems led to the emergence of efforts to apply the concept of sustainability to cities and hundreds of assessment tools have been developed to assess the sustainability from ...
An investigation of small scale hydropower plants using the geographic information system
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)
The combining of evaluation instruments into Geographic Information System (GIS) environments has caused an advancement in solidifying the evaluation and analysis of the hydropower potential existing for the streams in the ...
Comment on "Catchment flow estimation using Artifical Neural Networks in the mountainous Euphrates basin" by AG Yilmaz, MA Imteaz, G. Jenkins (J. Hydrol. 410 (2011) 134-140)
(Elsevier Science BV, 2012)
The studies conducted in the Euphrates Basin draws special attention due to its high snow potential and hydropolitical condition. Snow and hydrometeorological instrumentation has been set up for real time monitoring and ...
Review of Snow Data Assimilation Methods for Hydrological, Land Surface, Meteorological and Climate Models: Results from a COST HarmoSnow Survey
(MDPI, 2018)
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ES1404 HarmoSnow, entitled, A European network for a harmonized monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather ...