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dc.contributor.authorKarasu, Bekir
dc.contributor.authorKaya, Güray
dc.contributor.authorÖzdemir, Özge
dc.contributor.editorKongoli, F
dc.contributor.editorReddy, RG
dc.descriptionSohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials -- AUG 27-31, 2006 -- San Diego, CAen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000241785700048en_US
dc.description.abstractBoron raw materials are amongst the most important natural sources for many industrial branches and their values become increasingly raised with the discovery of boron usage in many new technological fields. All the countries in the world are unfortunately not as lucky as Turkiye and USA where major boron deposits are mainly located. It is widely known fact that on one side, boron is very precious component with its technological importance, on the other; only its limited sources are available. Therefore, even its wastes have to be evaluated and regained. In the present work wastes of Etibor Kirka Borax Company of Turkiye were used in the production of opaque frits which was suitable for floor tile glazes. Standard and newly produced frit based glazes were applied on the pre-engobed floor tile bodies and single firing was employed. Final products were examined according to the certain standard tests and their microstructurcs were also investigated. All the results confirmed the evaluation of boron wastes in opaque floor tile glazes.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMinerals, Met & Mat Soc, Acad Mexicana Ciencias Mat, Amer Foundry Soc, Amer Inst Chem Engineers, APMI Int, ASM Int, Asociac Argentina Mat, Assoc Iron & Steel Technol, Assoc Italiana Met, Australasian Inst Min & Met, Austrian Soc Met & Mat, Beijing Gen Res Inst Min & Met, Benelux Met, Brazilian Assoc Mat & Met, Brunei Darussalam Inst Chem, Ceram Soc Japan, Chem Soc Japan, Chem Soc Pakistan, Chem Soc Peru, Chilean Chem Soc, Chinese Soc Met, Cobalt Dev Inst, Colegio Ingenieros Chile, CSIRO, Czech Soc New Mat & Technologies, Danish Ceram Soc, Danish Chem Soc, Danish Met Soc, Electrochem Soc, Electrochem Soc Japan, Engn Conf Int, Eurometaux, European Ceram Soc, Federat European Mat Soc, Georgian Ceram Soc, German Soc Min, Met, Resource & Environm Technol, Gintsvetmet Inst, Gipronickel Inst, JS, Hellen Ceram Soc, Indian Inst Met, Inst Nonferrous & Rare Met, Inst Mat Engn Australasian, Inst Mat, Minerals & Min, Inst Met & Technol, Inst NonFerrous Met, Inst Argentino Siderurgia, Integrated Chemists Philippines, Int Aluminium Inst, Int Energy Fdn, Int Lead Zinc Res Org Inc, Iron & Steel Inst Japan, Israel Chem Soc, Japan Inst Met, Jordanian Chem Soc, Korean Acad Sci & Technol, Korean Chem Soc, Korean Inst Chem Engineers, Korean Inst Met & Mat, Malaysian Inst Chem, Mat Res Soc, Mat Soc Portugal, Met Sco CIM, Min Engn Int, Min & Mat Proc Inst Japan, Nonferrous Met Soc China, N Amer Thermal Anal Soc, Polish Assoc Met Engineers & Technicians, Portugese Chem Soc, Slovak Met Soc, Slovenian Ceram Soc, Slovenian Soc Mat, Soc Francaise Chimie, Soc Francaise Met & Mat, Soc Royal Chimie, Soc Min, Met & Explorat, Soc Chem Engn Japan, S African Inst Min & Met, Swedish Soc Mat Technol, Swedish Steel Producers Assoc, Technol Inst VZW, Amer Ceram Soc, Chem Soc Thailand, Finnish Assoc Min & Met Engineers, Canadian Min Journal, Ferrous Met Journal, Ind Minerals, Journal Tech Elect Mat, Magnesium Monthly Review, Mat Engn News, Mineral & Met Proc, Mineral Proc Journal, Min Journal, Nonferrous Met Journal, Ore & Met Publishing House, European Journal Min Proc & Environm Protect, Ausmelt, FLOGEN Technologies Inc, Korea Inst Geosci & Mineral Resources, Korea Zinc Co Ltd, LS Nikko Copper, Outokumpu Technol, Posco, Umicore Precious Met Refining, Xstrata Technolen_US
dc.publisherMinerals, Metals & Materials Socen_US
dc.subjectBorax Solid Wastesen_US
dc.subjectOpaque Floor Tile Glazesen_US
dc.titleUse of borax solid wastes in diopside based glass-ceramic floor tile glazesen_US
dc.relation.journalSohn International Symposium Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials, Vol 1: Thermo and Physicochemical Principles: Non-Ferrous High-Temperature Processingen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKarasu, Bekir

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