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dc.contributor.authorKavas, Taner
dc.contributor.authorKarasu, Bekir
dc.contributor.authorArslan, Özlem
dc.contributor.editorKongoli, F
dc.contributor.editorReddy, RG
dc.descriptionSohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials -- AUG 27-31, 2006 -- San Diego, CAen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000241785700046en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the present study the utilization of coal ashes that appear at the end of firing process of brick production in cement pastes was examined. Ashes with three different particle sizes of 75 gm, 106 pm and 150 gm were used to replace ordinary Portland cement (PC) as 5 % and 15 % by weight. Seven samples were prepared and physical, mechanical, chemical and microstructural analyses were carried out. The compressive and bending strength values of samples were determined at the ages of 2, 7 and 28 days. It was found that cementitious pastes with finer particle sizes possessed the highest compressive and bending strength values at all curing ages. Both values after 2 and 7 days cure increased with an increase in ash content, no matter what the particle sizes of ashes were. However, strength decreased after 28 days cure as a result of ash addition of 15 %, although it was still above that of the PC.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMinerals, Met & Mat Soc, Acad Mexicana Ciencias Mat, Amer Foundry Soc, Amer Inst Chem Engineers, APMI Int, ASM Int, Asociac Argentina Mat, Assoc Iron & Steel Technol, Assoc Italiana Met, Australasian Inst Min & Met, Austrian Soc Met & Mat, Beijing Gen Res Inst Min & Met, Benelux Met, Brazilian Assoc Mat & Met, Brunei Darussalam Inst Chem, Ceram Soc Japan, Chem Soc Japan, Chem Soc Pakistan, Chem Soc Peru, Chilean Chem Soc, Chinese Soc Met, Cobalt Dev Inst, Colegio Ingenieros Chile, CSIRO, Czech Soc New Mat & Technologies, Danish Ceram Soc, Danish Chem Soc, Danish Met Soc, Electrochem Soc, Electrochem Soc Japan, Engn Conf Int, Eurometaux, European Ceram Soc, Federat European Mat Soc, Georgian Ceram Soc, German Soc Min, Met, Resource & Environm Technol, Gintsvetmet Inst, Gipronickel Inst, JS, Hellen Ceram Soc, Indian Inst Met, Inst Nonferrous & Rare Met, Inst Mat Engn Australasian, Inst Mat, Minerals & Min, Inst Met & Technol, Inst NonFerrous Met, Inst Argentino Siderurgia, Integrated Chemists Philippines, Int Aluminium Inst, Int Energy Fdn, Int Lead Zinc Res Org Inc, Iron & Steel Inst Japan, Israel Chem Soc, Japan Inst Met, Jordanian Chem Soc, Korean Acad Sci & Technol, Korean Chem Soc, Korean Inst Chem Engineers, Korean Inst Met & Mat, Malaysian Inst Chem, Mat Res Soc, Mat Soc Portugal, Met Sco CIM, Min Engn Int, Min & Mat Proc Inst Japan, Nonferrous Met Soc China, N Amer Thermal Anal Soc, Polish Assoc Met Engineers & Technicians, Portugese Chem Soc, Slovak Met Soc, Slovenian Ceram Soc, Slovenian Soc Mat, Soc Francaise Chimie, Soc Francaise Met & Mat, Soc Royal Chimie, Soc Min, Met & Explorat, Soc Chem Engn Japan, S African Inst Min & Met, Swedish Soc Mat Technol, Swedish Steel Producers Assoc, Technol Inst VZW, Amer Ceram Soc, Chem Soc Thailand, Finnish Assoc Min & Met Engineers, Canadian Min Journal, Ferrous Met Journal, Ind Minerals, Journal Tech Elect Mat, Magnesium Monthly Review, Mat Engn News, Mineral & Met Proc, Mineral Proc Journal, Min Journal, Nonferrous Met Journal, Ore & Met Publishing House, European Journal Min Proc & Environm Protect, Ausmelt, FLOGEN Technologies Inc, Korea Inst Geosci & Mineral Resources, Korea Zinc Co Ltd, LS Nikko Copper, Outokumpu Technol, Posco, Umicore Precious Met Refining, Xstrata Technolen_US
dc.publisherMinerals, Metals & Materials Socen_US
dc.subjectCementitious Pasteen_US
dc.titleUsability of industrial ashes in cement production as pozzolanic materialsen_US
dc.relation.journalSohn International Symposium Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials, Vol 1: Thermo and Physicochemical Principles: Non-Ferrous High-Temperature Processingen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKarasu, Bekir

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