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dc.contributor.authorDemir, Barış
dc.contributor.authorKaleli Yılmaz, Gül
dc.contributor.authorSert Çelik, Hülya
dc.identifier.citationDemır, B. , Kalelı Yılmaz, G. & Sert Celık, H. (2021).Teachers’ attitudes and opinions on mathematics lessons conducted with distance education due to Covid-19 pandemic . Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education , 22 (4) , 147-163 . DOI: 10.17718/tojde.1002812en_US
dc.description.abstractDistance education has become widespread since the schools are physically closed due to COVID-19 pandemic. This study concentrates on determining attitudes of teachers towards distance mathematics education and examining their views based on some variables. Participants of the study consists of 189 teachers who voluntarily participated to the study, are selected via maximum variation sampling method, are working in primary, secondary and high school levels in provinces of Mugla and Kocaeli, and who teach Mathematics via distance education platforms. This study relies on mixed-method research where data collection was done with distance education attitude scale and view form, both prepared and applied online. Data from distance education attitude scale was analyzed quantitatively and data from view form was analyzed with descriptive analysis method. The result of the study demonstrated that attitudes of teachers towards distance mathematics education were indecisive but in negative direction. While attitudes of teachers towards distance mathematics education were found to differ significantly based on some variables like age, occupational experience, type of school, level of education and foreknowledge towards distance education, they did not differ significantly for gender and duration of internet use. Moreover, teacher also remarked positively towards sustainability and repetitive nature of the courses while they commented negatively on technical problems and structure of some courses may not fit in distance education.en_US
dc.publisherAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectDistance Educationen_US
dc.titleTeachers’ attitudes and opinions on mathematics lessons conducted with distance education due to Covid-19 pandemicen_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Online Journal of Distance Educationen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US

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