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Comparative investigation of cultural components in Turkish and German language coursebooks
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)It must be noted that students, as from the elementary school, get to know their own cultures and other cultures and they are taught to acquire necessary skills to be able to constructively communicate with people from ... -
Direct/Indirect Language Use of Teachers
(World Scientific And Engineering Acad And Soc, 2009)Teacher-student interaction can be characterized as a systematic and intensive social contact requiring a mechanism that maintains order and control. Teacher controls the learning and the behavior in the classroom with ... -
Technology for Prospective Data Collection from and for German Teacher Candidates
(Singapore Management & Sports Science Inst Pte LTD, 2013)In language teaching and language acquisition research is increasingly observed that corpora are used to generate insights for the classroom. After almost three generations of textbook, the question arises how the vocabulary ... -
Teaching Staff Habits of Online Translation Tools Usage
(Singapore Management & Sports Science Inst Pte LTD, 2013)As the world becomes a stage of technological development, we also recognize the side effects on the support of technology for assisting the teaching process at the universities. The academic teaching staff increasingly ... -
German Teacher Candidates Stance to Creating Online Quizzes
(London Science Publishing LTD, 2010)The technology also the Internet is growing quickly. Today's technology is helping schools to effectively manage modern classrooms that are increasingly differentiated due to changing demographics and standards. Teacher ... -
Self-mention in scientific articles written by Turkish and non-Turkish authors
(Elsevier Science BV, 2013)This study explored the distribution and frequency of first person pronouns, particularly the use of "I" and "we" perspective, through comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of 20 articles written by Turkish ... -
A diagnostic analysis of ELT students' use of connectives
(Elsevier Science BV, 2015)Pragmatic competence in foreign language learning depends on appropriate and correct use of the target language. Textual competence, on the other hand, is the ability to produce coherent texts. Appropriate and correct use ... -
The Sources of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety of Students in a Turkish Efl Context
(World Scientific And Engineering Acad And Soc, 2009)In the recent years, why and how anxiety influences the acquisition of certain skills like speaking, listening, writing and reading have attracted the attention of many researchers. Among these skills, one area which little ... -
Towards an Ecological Understanding of University Students' Anxiety in English as a General Course in Light of Sociocultural Perspective
(Elsevier Science BV, 2016)A large number of research studies have been carried out focusing on the role of anxiety in the process of English language learners' development. However, the multifaceted nature of anxiety needs to be explored from an ... -
Teaching Collaborative Writing: a Classsroom Study With Turkish English as a Foreign Language (Efl) Students
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2010)The teaching of writing skills in a communicative and systematic way is inevitable considering the fact that students should be aware of the subject matters they learn and operate on while studying a foreign language. In ... -
Relationship of Addressing Term and Personal Privacy
(World Scientific And Engineering Acad And Soc, 2008)In some cultures kinship terms are widely used compared to other cultures. In Turkish culture elder sister and elder brother as addressing terms have different functions. They may have either solidarity or social distance ... -
Promoting the Participation of the Student Teachers Studying Their Second Year At English Language Teaching Department
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2012)The purpose of this paper is to share an action research carried in an English Language Teacher Training Program in Turkey. In the lessons of the methodology course entitled as Fundamental Aspects of ELT, the observations ... -
Perceptual Learning Style Preferences of Gifted Vs. Non-Gifted Turkish Efl Learners
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2015)This study aims to identify the perceptual learning style preferences of gifted secondary school EFL learners in Turkey related to their study of English and attempted to compare their preferences with their non-gifted ... -
Future Directions for Foreign Language Teaching Anxiety Research
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2016)…