Toplam kayıt 41, listelenen: 1-10
Institutionalisation of tourism research and education: from the early 1900s to 2000s
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2016)
The purpose of this paper is to present the historical development of tourism studies literature and institutions in chronological order, dating back to the early twentieth century. Data sources used include books, journals, ...
Measuring the quality of airline services: Evidence from Northern Cyprus
(Cognizant Communication Corporation, 2003)
This study set out to examine the service quality and customer satisfaction delivered by the national airline company in Northern Cyprus, using a SERVQUAL scale. For this purpose, the translated instrument was purified ...
An examination of festival motivation and perceived benefits relationship: Eskişehir international festival
The objectives of this study are threefold. The first objective is to understand the underlying dimensions of motivation for attending a prominent city festival in Turkey and if motivation will vary with respect to the ...
Mobile advergames in tourism marketing
In recent years, the effectiveness of traditional communication techniques has been diminishing and marketers have sought more creative practices to attract consumers. One of these new marketing tools is the mobile advergame, ...
Visitors' objectives for trade exhibition attendance: A case study on the East Mediterranean international tourism and travel exhibition (EMITT)
This article takes a brief look at visitors' objectives for attending the East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition held in Turkey, in February 2006. The empirical data was collected via questionnaires ...
Public policy and sustainable tourism in Turkey
Although tourism has been considered as an important activity for the well-being of the economies and state regulations on tourism have a considerable history in Turkey, the concept of sustainable tourism was first mentioned ...
Measuring destination competitiveness: An application of the Travel and Tourism competitiveness index (2007)
This article evaluates 13 key factors that affect destination competitiveness and compares the competitiveness levels of EU countries with those of Turkey. The article also focuses on detecting the more or less effective ...
Rankings of tourism and hospitality departments: A case of Turkey
(Anatolia, 2007)
Although there has been a long tradition of ranking departments on the basis of research productivity, this phenomenon is relatively new in tourism research. This paper develops a conceptualized ranking scheme of academic ...
Motive Based Segmentation of the Cultural Tourism Market: A Study of Turkish Domestic Tourists
This article examines cultural tourists' motivations for travel and provided support for the idea that cultural tourists are not solely motivated by the potential for deep cultural experiences. Face-to-face interviews were ...
Ethical approaches and their application in hotel managers' decision making
This study aims at evaluating the ethical approaches effective for managers working at hotel business when making decisions. Ethics, in the working place, refers to the rules of the workplace that an employee has to comply ...