The impact of digital storytelling on academic achievement of sixth grade students in english language and their motivation towards it in jordan
Aljaraideh, Y. A. (2020). The impact of digital storytelling on academic achievement of sixth grade students in english language and their motivation towards it in jordan. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 21 (1), 73-82.Abstract
This study aims to identify the impact of digital storytelling (DST) on academic achievement of sixth grade students in English language and their motivation towards it in Jordan.DST plays an important role in the maintenance and progress of English language.The research uses a quasi- experimental method. The sample of the study consists of (50) male students were purposefully chosen from public schools at Jerash governorate. They were distributed into two groups: Experimental group which has (25) students learning English language through DST, and control group which has (25) students. They are taught the same content in traditional way. The findings of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in students’ academic achievement and students’ motivation towards learning English language due to teaching method in favor of experimental group which DST strategy is the main method used in English language. Statistically significant differences were also found in students’ motivation towards learning English language due to teaching method in favor of experimental group. In the light of the results, some recommendations were set like integrating DST in the teaching and learning English language.