Browsing by Author "Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Estimation by combining MinxEnt principle and time series analysis
In this study, the proportions of electricity consumption of Turkey in 2006 with respect of some sectors are estimated by using Kullback's Minimum Cross-Entropy (MinxEnt) Principle. In order to realize mentioned estimation ... -
Estimation Method Based on MinMaxEnt Distribution for Missing Value in Time Series
Shamilov, Aladdin; Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem (World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, 2009)In this study, MinMaxEnt distribution out of Generalized Entropy Optimization Distributions with moment functions and moment values dependent on parameter are introduced. MaxEnt distribution for observed time series is ... -
Generalized entropy optimization distributions dependent on parameter in time series
In this paper, we have proposed Generalized Entropy Optimization Problems (GEOP) concerned with parameters which consist of maximizing Entropy Functional subject to constraints dependent on parameters. Therefore, MinMaxEnt ... -
Kesikli rassal değişkenler için entropi optimizasyon prensipleri ve uygulamaları
Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2005)Bu tezde, öncelikle olasılıksal bir sistemde var olan belirsizliğin ölçümünü ifade eden entropi kavramı ve buna bağlı olarak Shannon Entropi Ölçütü ile Kullback-Leibler Entropi Ölçütü tanımlarına yer verilmiştir. Bu iki ... -
A new concept of relative suitability of moment function sets
Shamilov, Aladdin; Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem; Usta, İlhan; Mert Kantar, Yeliz (Elsevier Science Inc, 2008)In modeling statistical data by using entropy optimization distributions, the choice of a suitable moment function set and various combinations of their elements are very important. It is also important to have criteria ... -
Survival Data Analysis By Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods
Shamilov, Aladdin; Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem; Özdemir, Sevda (Melandrium, 2013)Entropy Optimization Methods (EOM) have important applications, especially in statistics, economy, engineering and etc. There are several examples in the literature that known statistical distributions do not conform to ... -
Zaman serilerinde entropi optimizasyon yöntemleri
Giriftinoğlu, Çiğdem (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2009)Bu tez çalışmasında, MaxEnt yönteminden yararlanarak, bir zaman serisi için tam otokovaryans sayısı m ’in biliniyor olduğu varsayımı altında, m ’den sonraki gecikmeli otokovaryans kısıtlı MaxEnt dağılımlarının bu stokastik ...