Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Author "Diken, I. H."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Adaptation and examining psychometrical properties of pragmatic language skills inventory (PLSI) in Turkey
Alev, G.; Diken, I. H.; Ardiç, A.; Diken, O.; Şekercioğlu, G.; Gilliam, J. (2014)The purpose of this study was to explore the validity and reliability of Turkish version of the Pragmatic Language Skills Inventory (TV-PLSI). Participants included 1383 individuals with normal development (5-12 years of ... -
Antisosyal davranişlari önlemeye yönelik başariya i·lk adim erken egitim programinin etkililigi ile i·lgili yapilan bilimsel çalişmalarin i·ncelenmesi
Melekoğlu, Meral; Diken, I. H.; Çelik, S.; Tomris, Gözde (Anadolu Universitesi, 2014)[No abstract available] -
Early childhood intervention in Turkey: Current situation, challenges and suggestions
Er-Sabuncuoğlu, M.; Diken, I. H. (2010)The regular early childhood education in Turkey has a history of more than 100 years. However, early childhood intervention services for young children with special needs (vulnerabilities) and their families are getting ... -
Effectiveness of instruction performed through activity schedules on leisure skills of children with autism
Çuhadar, Selmin; Diken, I. H. (2011)This study investigated the influences of instruction performed through activity schedules on engaging-in the schedule skill and fulfilling the activity skills of preschool children with autism; along with investigating ...