Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Cannabinoid system involves in the analgesic effect of protocatechuic acid
(Springer, 2019)
Background: Protocatechuic acid is an antioxidant which is shown to have analgesic activity in limited studies. However, the mechanisms of action remain unclear. Objectives: It is aimed to investigate the possible contribution ...
Preparation, characterization and pharmacokinetic evaluation of rosuvastatin calcium incorporated cyclodextrin-polyanhydride nanoparticles
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2019)
Objective: The aim of the study was to formulate, cyclodextrin (CD)-polyanhydride (PA) nanoparticles (CPNs) with rosuvastatin calcium (RCa) in order to enhance the poor oral bioavailability. Methods: CPNs containing RCa/CD ...
Kaempferolün analjezik etki mekanizmasına katkıda bulunan sistemlerin incelenmesi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2020)
Kaempferol, antioksidan, antiinflamatuvar, antikanser etkiler gösteren flavonoid kökenli bir bileşiktir. Yapılan çalışmalarda antioksidan etkisinin yanı sıra nöroprotektif ve kardiyoprotektif etkileri olduğu da gösterilmiş ...