Yurt Dışında Yaşayan Türk Çocuklarına Sözcük Öğretimi Sürecine İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Yurt dışında yaşayan Türk çocuklarının Türkçe sözcük dağarcığının geliştirilmesine yönelik yapılan çalışmaların öğretmen görüşlerine göre belirlenerek uygulama sürecinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yaklaşımı benimsenmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları yurt dışında Türkçe derslerini yürüten ve amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi yoluyla belirlenen gönüllü öğretmenlerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla toplanan verilerinin çözümlenmesinde betimsel analiz tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların görüşlerine göre yurt dışında yaşayan Türk öğrencilerinin sözcük dağarcığının yetersiz olduğu, sözcük dağarcığının sadece okulla değil ailenin sosyo-ekonomik profili, eğitim durumu ve aile ilgisiyle ilişkili olduğu görüşü ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca öğretmenler, öğrencilerin yeterli sözcük dağarcığına sahip olamamalarına bağlı olarak kendilerini ifade etmede güçlük çektikleri, iki dili birarada ve hatalı kullandıkları görüşünü belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca çevresel bir etmen olarak materyal eksikliklerinin soyut kavramların öğretimini zorlaştırdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğretmenler öğretim sürecinde konuların paralel ve birbirini takip eden bir biçimde verilmesi, süreç içerisinde öğrencilerin dil gelişimini destekleyen ve öğrencilere uygun etkinliklere yer verilmesi, sözcük öğretim sürecinde sözlük kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması, materyallerin erişiminin kolaylaştırılması, sistemli, planlı ve programlı bir belirtmişlerdir. Ailelerin de sürecin içine aktif katılımlarının sağlanması, aile-öğrenci-öğretmen işbirliğinin arttırılması, aile içerisinde Türkçe konuşmanın Araştırmanın sonuçlarına paralel olarak öncelikle ailelerin Türkçenin çocuklarına kazandırılmasının önemiyle ilgili bilinçlendirilmesi, genel olarak öğrencilere Türkçenin kazandırılmasının yanısıra sözcük dağarcığının zenginleştirilmesi yönünde önerilerde bulunulmuştur Introduction
Today, Turkish parents’ children living abroad have to learn their
native language that connects them to their own culture alongside the
language of the society they live in as very well. For this purpose, the
learning programme of native language is required to be systematic and
scheduled. Otherwise, it is impossible that the individuals who are not
capable on native langıage could explain their ideas by means of the
second language. In this regard, Turkish children living abroad are
assumed to acquire native language adequacy and use it effectively with
a view to speaking Turkish, expressing themselves, attaining to practices
pertaining to the process of the teaching and maintaining communication
with the ones from the same nation. The individuals who are capable on
native language and have adequate vocabulary are able to improve vocabulary in second language, acquiring the adequateness of the
language spoken in the society lived. The fact that the individual could
use the native language that contributes him to express himself in his
own culture is closely connected with vocabulary. As is known,
vocabulary has an significant affect that contributes the individuals to
comprehend speeches and express their emotions and ideas. Accordingly,
it is required that the individuals have further vocabulary, in other words,
it is required to increase the individuals’ vocabulary. In this regard, it is
thought that the determination of the problems by means of analysing
the studies concering the native language teaching in abroad, the
determination of the practices practised for vocabulary teaching within
native language teaching and the evaluation of the process based on
these practices are going to be have positive impact so that Turkish
children learn their native language and the language of the country they
live. In the conclusion, the aim of the research is to determine the
problems confronted in the process of vocabulary teaching for Turkish
children, and the factors effecting the process of vocabulary teaching
With the aim to handling the subject profoundly, the qualitative
research was prefered. The maximum variation sampling was conducted
in order to determine the participant of the research. The twenty
participants serve eight different country and the participants serving in
Austria (f=7) and Germany (f=5) predominates the others and the tenure
of the teachers varies from 10 month to 35 years. While The number of
the students taught during a year varies from 18 to 200, provided the
level of the class taught is taken into consideration, it is emerged that
there is the differences from nursery school to highschool and further
level of education in countries and the course of Turkish language is
elective in many contries (f=18). The data collection means of the research
are personal information form and the interview form. The descriptive
analysis technique was conducted in order to analyse the data of the
Conclusion and Suggestions
In the conclusion of the research, it is emerged that the vocabulary
of Turkish children living abroad is inadequate and the vocabulary
correlates not only to the school, but also to socio-economic profile of the
family and the involvement of the family. The teachers claimed that the
students have difficulty on reading and writing expression due to not
having adequate vocabulary, and the students operate two language
together and wrongly to express themselves and also that confusing the
alphabets, the students substitute the alphabets gives rise to pronounce
wrongly. Another conclusion of the research is the statement that the
students’ failure in means of phrase, proverb and different means of the
words and also speaking vernacularly have negative impact on the
progress of vocabulary. It is found that the teachers exercise the practices
such as studing with phrases and proverbs, studing on synonym and
connotation, deriving new words from words known, studing on the
words that their means is not known. In addition, the teacher underlining
the importance of adopting national culture and values to the students living abroad were claimed that they conduct cultural practices such as
folk dances and they struggle to figure out the problems confronted in
the process of vocabulary teaching, paying attention to relate words and
culture. The teachers underlining the level diffirences among the sudents
in vocabulary teaching as a considerable problem attribute inadequacy
of some students’ vocabulary to not having a habit of reading and the
parents’ limited vocabulary. Another conclusion of the research is that
the teachers particularly have difficulties on teaching abstract consepts
to the students on account of enviromental deficiencies and the lack of
materials. The teachers pointed out the fact that teaching the subjects in
sync and respectly, using practices that contribute the students to
develop language skills and being suitable to the students, extending the
usage of dictionary, making access to materials easily and conducting a
systematic, planned and programed process of vocabulary teaching are
required. The teachers underlined the fact that the parents’ expectation
concerning their children’s acquirement provided by Turkish lesson is
high or low has negative impact on vocabulary development of the
students. In spite of this expectation of the parents, it is remarkable
conclusion that the students neglect the practices to develop vocabulary.
Another significant conclusion of the research is that the teachers
pointed out the fact that the students and their parents do not take into
account the lesson of Turkish as native language as important. The
teachers stating, due to Turkish course as elective at the out time of
school and out of school curriculums, neglective behavior of the students
against the course and the attendance to the Turkish lesson as tired
underlined that the student achievement is inadequate. Besides, it is
concluded that one of the problems concerning teaching process is the
defective duration of course time and the absence of opportunity of repractices.
In addition, they underlined it is required that the parents engage
in the process actively, parent-student-teacher collaboration is improved
and speaking Turkish in the family is supported. In tune with all
conclusions of the research, firstly, raising awareness of parents about
the importance of Turkish for students, in addition to delivering Turkish
to children generally, enriching learning environments to develop
vocabulary, utilizing learning environments supported by technology,
encouraging elective native language courses or using of native language
out of the course and being ensured institutional support (by nongovermental
organizations and Republic of Turkey), increasing the works
contributing school-family collaboration directed to increasing utility of
native language and developing vocabulary, arranging in-service training
for teachers about Turkish language and vocabulary are
recommendations for practices. In addition, the similiar researches could
be conducted by employing quantitive research techniques.
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)Cilt
- Makale Koleksiyonu [791]
- TR-Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [3512]