Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 1058, listelenen: 101-120
Measurement of the ratio B(Bs0 ? J/?f0(980))/B(Bs0 ? J/??(1020)) in pp collisions at ?s=7 TeV
(Elsevier B.V., 2016)A measurement of the ratio of the branching fractions of the Bs0 meson to J/?f0(980) and to J/??(1020) is presented. The J/?, f0(980), and ?(1020) are observed through their decays to ?+?-, ?+?-, and K+K-, respectively. ... -
Synthesis, characterization and wide range frequency and temperature dependent electrical modulus study of LaCrO3 and cobalt (Co) doped LaCrO3 perovskite compounds
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)We synthesized the undoped lanthanum chromium oxide, LaCrO3 (LCO), and cobalt (Co) doped LaCr1-xCoxO3 (LCCO), (x = 0.01, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.30) perovskite compounds using solid-state reaction method. Electrical modulus ... -
Inactivation of microorganisms with neon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure
(Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2016)A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma jet of neon (Ne) at atmospheric pressure and room temperatures was arranged under a high frequency ac power supply. We achieved to obtain an atmospheric pressure glow-like discharge ... -
Exciton states in a quantum dot with parabolic confinement
(2011)In this study the electronic eigenstructure of an exciton in a parabolic quantum dot (QD) has been calculated with a high accuracy by using Finite element method (FEM). We have converted the coordinates of electronlight-hole ... -
Representation of electromagnetic and gravitoelectromagnetic Poynting theorems in higher dimensions
(TUBITAK, 2014)This study investigates whether the electromagnetic and gravitoelectromagnetic energy conservation equations are obtained together by using octonion algebra or not. Maxwell and Maxwell-like equations for linear gravity ... -
Elec tromagnetic energy conservation with complex octonions
(2012)Octonions are the eight dimensional hypercomplex numbers that form a noncommutative and nonassociative division algebra. In this study, a general framework for the real, complex octonions and their algebra are provided by ... -
FT-IR spectroscopic study of the Hofmann-Td-type clathrates: Ni(1,9-diaminononane)M'(CN)4·2G (M' = Cd or Hg, G = benzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene or 1,4-dichlorobenzene)
(2007)New Hofmann Td-type clathrates in the form of Ni(1,9-diaminononane)M'(CN)4·2G (M' = Cd or Hg, G = benzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene or 1,4-dichlorobenzene) were prepared in powder form and their infrared spectra are reported ... -
Investigations on the physical properties of the polycrystalline ZnS thin films deposited by the chemical bath deposition method
(2007)Transparent and polycrystalline zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films were prepared by the chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique onto glass substrates deposited at 80 °C using aqueous solution of zinc acetate, thiourea, ... -
Variation of photoluminescence from Si nanostructures in SiO2 matrix with Si+ post implantation
(2007)Si nanoclusters were formed by 28Si ion implantation into SiO2 matrix and subsequently annealed at 1050 °C for 2 h under N2 ambient. The photoluminescence (PL) characteristics depend on the 28Si fluence. The PL signals ... -
Free electron in a laser field: The nonrelativistic solution
(2006)Schrodinger equation for a charged particle interacting with the plane-wave electromagnetic field is solved exactly. The exact analytic solution and the perturbative solution up to second order are compared -
Structural and optical properties of porous nanocrystalline Ge
(2008)Nanocrystalline Ge films were prepared by isotropic chemical etching on single-crystalline Ge substrates with 100 and 111 orientations. The structural and optical properties have been investigated by transmission electron ... -
Preparation of Sb-doped ZnO nanostructures and studies on some of their properties
(2008)Sb-doped ZnO nanostructures have been deposited onto glass substrates by a sol-gel method. The structural, optical and electrical properties of the Sb-doped ZnO films were characterized by various techniques including ... -
The study of dependence of the radial parts of 0-›0 + first forbidden ß-decay matrix elements on the parameters in Woods-saxon potential
(2008)In this paper, O-›0+ first forbidden ß-decay matrix elements have been calculated. For 206-214Pb›206-214Bi transitions relativistic M ±(?A,?=0) and nonrelativistic M±(jA, k=1,?=0)) matrix elements have been calculated. In ... -
Physicochemical characterization of natural and Na+-, K +-, Ca2+-and Mg2+-modified clinoptilolite from gördes (Manisa, Turkey)
(2009)Physicochemical characterization of the natural solid-phase Gördes clinoptilolite and of the Na+-, K+-, Ca2+-and Mg2+-modified forms of the mineral (as obtained through ion-exchange) by batch methods, X-ray diffractometry ... -
NMR spectroscopic study and DFT calculations of GIAO NMR shieldings and 1JCH, spin-spin coupling constants of 1,9-diaminononane
(Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2009)1H, proton coupled and decoupled l3C, DEPT, HETCOR NMR spectra, the magnitude of one bond 1Jch coupling constants and l3C NMR spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of 1,9-diaminononane (danon, C9H22N2) have been reported for ... -
High-field electrical conduction in thin films of polyethylene
(1987)The voltage-current characteristics of thin film metal-polyethylene-copper structures in which copper is used as a top electrode are studied. The samples made with thermally vacuum-evaporated polyethylene and having a top ... -
Vibrational spectroscopic investigation of some Hofmann-Td type complexes: Ni(1-phenylpiperazine)2M(CN)4 (M = Cd or Hg)
(2009)New Hofmann-Td type complexes in the form of Ni(pp) 2M(CN)4 (where pp = 1-Phenylpiperazine and M = Cd or Hg) have been prepared in powder form and their infrared (4000-100 cm-1) and Raman (2800-1650 cm-1) spectra have been ... -
Synthesis and non-linear optical properties of monopyrrolotetrathiafulvalene derived donor-pi-acceptor dyads
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2004)The synthesis of novel donor-pi-acceptor dyads based on a pyrrolo-annelated tetrathiafulvalene unit is described. The linear and non-linear optical properties of these chromophores have been investigated, together with ... -
Preparation of magnetic dye affinity adsorbent and its use in the removal of aluminium ions
(Vsp BV, 2001)Aluminium has recently been considered as a causative agent in dialysis encephalopathy, osteodystrophy, and anemia occuring in hemodialysis patients. The aim of this study is to prepare magnetic poly (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) ... -
Determination of the alloy scattering potential in modulation-doped In 0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As heterojunctions from magnetotransport measurements
(2005)The results of magnetotransport measurements are used to investigate the scattering mechanisms and hence to determine the alloy disorder scattering potential in modulation-doped In0.53Ga0.47As/In 0.52Al0.48As heterojunction ...