Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

    • On Ads-Modules With the Sip 

      Takıl Mutlu, Figen (Iranian Mathematical Soc, 2015)
      The class of ads modules with the SIP (briefly, SA-modules) is studied. Various conditions for a module to be SA-module are given. It is proved that for a quasi-continuous module M, M is a UC-module if and only if M is an ...
    • On generalizations of extending modules 

      Karabacak, F. (Kyungpook National University, 2009)
      A module M is said to be SIP-extending if the intersection of every pair of direct summands is essential in a direct summand of M. SIP-extending modules are a proper generalization of both SIP-modules and extending modules. ...
    • On modules and matrix rings with sip-extending 

      Karabacak, F.; Tercan, A. (Mathematical Soc Rep China, 2007)
      In this note we study modules with the property that the intersection of two direct summands is essential in a direct summand (SIP-extending). Amongst other results we show that the class of right SIP-extending modules is ...