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dc.contributor.authorTokman, Leyla Yekdane
dc.contributor.editorCherkasky, T
dc.contributor.editorGreenbaum, J
dc.contributor.editorMambrey, P
dc.description6th Biennial Participatory Design Conference -- NOV 28-DEC 01, 2000 -- NEW YORK, NYen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000175459000054en_US
dc.description.abstractSome of the most important moments of our Information Age are the opportunities to meet in cyberspace to share ideas, topics and to develop new relationships and participation faster than the past. The key element of this participation is interaction. Interaction allow us to participate on a subject or a project according to human needs. Recognizing the importance of this, Interaction will make a significant effort to enable participants to find people with similar experiences and interests and also to have thought -provoking, energizing developments. My recent study focuses the participant interaction and its wide range of more usability for today's world than the past by means of computer networks as a smart tool of data transmission: Interaction among people (with or without computers), interaction between people and built environment, interaction with computers to communicate faster and more visual, interaction with a software, interaction in (architectural) education, interaction in professional world. The model which was developed will achieve to describe the close relationship between users and computers networks. The model provides a virtual platform for users to participate in. Sharing ideas, participating on a project, enhance our creative way of thinking and usability of built environment.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipComp Profess Social Responsibil, Assoc Comp Machinery, Int Federat Informat Procen_US
dc.publisherComputer Professionals Social Responsibilityen_US
dc.subjectCollaborative Designen_US
dc.subjectInformation Technologyen_US
dc.titleInteraction to improve quality of designen_US
dc.relation.journalPdc 2000: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conferenceen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]
dc.contributor.institutionauthorTokman, Leyla Yekdane

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