Yazar "Özdemir, Yunus" için listeleme
Assessing an environment designed for the popularization of mathematics
Bu çalışmanın amacı matematiğin popülerleştirilmesine yönelik tasarlanan bir eğitim-öğretim ortamının değerlendirilmesidir. Söz konusu ortam, alana özgü bazı teori ve yaklaşımlar üzerine inşa edilmiş ve Eskişehir Matematik ... -
Determining the Critical Point of a Sigmoidal Curve via its Fourier Transform
Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Özdemir, Yunus (IOP Publishing LTD, 2016)A sigmoidal curve y(t) is a monotone increasing curve such that all derivatives vanish at infinity. Let t(n) be the point where the nth derivative of y(t) reaches its global extremum. In the previous work on sol-gel ... -
Diferansiyel denklemlerin kalitatif karakterlerinin nümerik çözümler altında muhafaza edilmesi
Özdemir, Yunus (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2003)Bu çalışmada, sürekli ve kesikli dinamik sistemlerle ilgili bazı temel kavramlar verildikten sonra birkaç özel dinamik sistemin nümerik analizi yapılarak algoritma seçiminin sistemin yapısına etkisi görülmüştür. Periyodik ... -
Euclidean realizations of Mauldin-Williams graphs
Graph-directed fractals are collections of metric spaces, each of which can be expressed as a union of several scaled copies of spaces from the collection. They give rise to weighted, directed graphs where the term comes ... -
An explicit formula of the intrinsic metric on the Sierpinski gasket via code representation
Saltan, Mustafa; Özdemir, Yunus; Demir, Bünyamin (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2018)The computation of the distance between any two points of the Sierpinski gasket with respect to the intrinsic metric has already been investigated by several authors. However, to the best of our knowledge, in the literature ... -
Fractal interpolation on the Sierpinski Gasket
Çelik, Derya; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2008)We prove for the Sierpinski Gasket (SG) an analogue of the fractal interpolation theorem of Barnsley. Let V-0 = [p(1), p(2), p(3)) be the set of vertices of SG and u(i) (x) = 1/2 (x + p(i)) the three contractions of the ... -
Geodesics of the Sierpinski Gasket
Saltan, Mustafa; Özdemir, Yunus; Demir, Bünyamin (World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, 2018)In this paper, we examine the number of geodesics between two points of the Sierpinski Gasket (S) via code representations of the points and as a main result we show that the maximum number of geodesics between different ... -
Graph-directed fractal interpolation functions
Deniz, Ali; Özdemir, Yunus (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2017)It is known that there exists a function interpolating a given data set such that the graph of the function is the attractor of an iterated function system, which is called a fractal interpolation function. We generalize ... -
Graph-directed sprays and their tube volumes via functional equations
Çelik, Derya; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus; Üreyen, Adem Ersin (European Mathematical Soc, 2017)The notion of sprays introduced by Lapidus and his co-workers has proved useful in the context of fractal tube formulas. In the present note, we define a notion of a graph-directed spray, associated with a weighted directed ... -
İçsel metrik uzaylar
Kılıç, Mehmet, [tarih] (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2015)Bu tezde içsel metrik uzaylarla ve hiperkonvekslik, injektiflik ve sıkı germe kavramlarıyla ilgilenilmiştir. İçsel ve kesin içsel metrik uzayların özellikleri incelendikten sonra tek jeodezik uzayları tanıtılmış, iki tek ... -
On the Minkowski measurability of self-similar fractals in R-d
Deniz, Ali; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus; Ratiu, Andrei; Üreyen, Adem Ersin (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2013)The question of Minkowski measurability of fractals is investigated for different situations by various authors, notably by M. Lapidus. In dimension one it is known that the attractor of an IFS consisting of similitudes ... -
R2n'de 2-kalibrasyonlar
Özdemir, Yunus (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2008)Kalibrasyon kavramı 1982'de Harvey ve Lawson tarafından tanımlanmış ve minimal alt manifoldlar ile 7 ve 8 boyutlardaki özel holonomi konularında önemli bir araç konumuna gelmiştir. Kalibre edilmiş alt manifoldlar homolojik ... -
R2n'de Kendine Duallik, Kalibrasyon ve Normlu Dualite Kavramları Üzerine
Özdemir, Yunus (2017)Bu çalışmada, temel olarak çift boyutlu Öklidyen uzayda, kendine duallik, kalibrasyon ve normlu dualite kavramları arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Kuvvetli kendine dual 2-form ve kuvvetli 2-kalibrasyon kavramları ... -
Representations of Clifford Algebras on Function Spaces on the Cantor Set
Çelik, Derya; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus (Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2011)We give a representation of the (infinite-dimensional) complex Clifford algebra on the Hilbert space of square-integrable complexvalued functions on the Cantor set. -
Spaces of skew-symmetric matrices satisfying A(3) = lambda A
Özdemir, Yunus (Elsevier Science Inc, 2013)We calculate the maximum dimension of a space of m x m real skew-symmetric matrices of corank 1 satisfying A(3) = lambda(A)A for some real lambda(A) > 0 -
Strong 2-Calibrations on R-2N
Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus (Kinokuniya Co LTD, 2011)Most of the classical calibrations possess a property which does not seem to be recognized. Making this property explicit, we define what we call the strong calibrations and prove that a strong 2-calibration field on R-2n ... -
Sürekli kesirler ve uygulamaları
Boz, Osman, [tarih] (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2014)Sürekli kesirler, özellikle sayıların ifade edilmesi, Diophantus denklemlerinin çözümleri gibi bir çok problemde önemli bir araç olarak binlerce yıldır kullanılmaktadır. Ama özellikle 18.yüzyıldan sonra bir çok alanda ... -
Temperature dependence of the optical band gap of sol-gel derived Fe-doped ZnO films
Ilıcan, Saliha; Özdemir, Yunus; Çağlar, Müjdat; Çağlar, Yasemin (Elsevier GMBH, 2016)This work presents the characterizations of sol-gel derived undoped nanostructured ZnO and Iron (Fe) doped ZnO films that were deposited onto borofloat glass substrates. To investigate of the effects of Fe doping on the ... -
Tube Formulas for Self-Similar and Graph-Directed Fractals
Deniz, Ali; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus; Üreyen, Adem Ersin (Springer, 2013)… -
Tube volumes via functional equations
Deniz, Ali; Koçak, Şahin; Özdemir, Yunus; Üreyen, Adem Ersin (Springer Basel Ag, 2015)Tube formulas for convex sets and for smooth submanifolds of Euclidean spaces have long been of interest for geometers. In the last two decades there has been great progress on tube formulas for badly behaved spaces such ...