Afyon-Akşehir Grabeni Batı Kenarının Tektonik Özellikleri Üzerine Jeolojik ve Jeofizik Gözlemler: İki Evreli Genişleme Modeli Hakkındaki Tartışmalara Bir Katkı

Göster/ Aç
Kaya, S.Esat, K.
Ecevitoğlu, B.
Işık, V.
Kaypak, B.
Aldaş, G. U.
Seyitoğlu, G.
Kaya, S.
Esat, Korhan
Ecevitoğlu, Berkan
Işık, V.
Kaypak, B.
Aldaş, G. U.
Seyitoğlu, G.
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The NW-SE trending tectonic contact between the metamorphic basement and the Neogene sedimentary rocks, located at the western side of the Afyon-Akşehir Graben, is interpreted as a reverse fault and is named as the Sultandagi{dotless} fault by some researchers. On the contrary, other workers claim that the Sultandagi{dotless} fault is a normal fault. Some researchers define the Yakasenek reverse fault which is cut by the Sultandagi{dotless} normal fault. In this study, the geological and geophysical studies have been performed on this tectonic contact. The tectonic contact that corresponds to the Yakasenek reverse fault was determined as a NE-dipping plane using with the 'Seismic Beam Steering' method. The identification of the NE-dipping plane instead of SW-dipping shows that the Yakasenek reverse fault, which is interpreted as a product of the Miocene-Pliocene contraction supporting two-stage graben model, does not exist. There is also no field evidence of reverse faulting in the area.