Engagement in distance education settings: A trend analysis
Bağrıaçık Yılmaz, A, Banyard, P. (2020). Engagement in distance education settings: A trend analysis. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 21 (1), 101-120.Özet
This study examined studies focusing on student engagement in distance education using a trend analysis technique. 154 studies published in web of science database were included in the study. Analysis showed that there is an increasing effort to understand student engagement. Researchers are mostly focusing on instructional design and educational technology. More effort is needed in the area of distance education systems and theories. The findings offer support for Chickering and Gamson’s Seven Principles of Good Practice as important in promoting student engagement in distance education. However, six new components were added to these principles: media properties, student characteristics, teaching method, course/content design, innovative techniques, and instructor competencies.