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dc.contributor.authorKarasu, Bekir
dc.contributor.authorArslan, Gürsoy
dc.contributor.authorGünkaya, Göktuğ
dc.contributor.authorTuran, Servet
dc.description.abstractIt is known that the SrO-MgO-ZrO2-SiO2 (SMZS) system glasses with 40 weight % silica content seem to give a very high chemical endurance against highly alkaline solutions and can be recommended for the reinforcement of cement and concrete. Due to the release of Sr ions into attacking solutions with pH value of 14, the overall durability of the SMZS glasses is worsened. In this study, the primary aim was to investigate if the replacement of SrO by any other suitable constituent, such as Mn2O3 and/or Fe2O3, would improve the chemical endurance of bulk glasses in the system further. Durability test results indicated that with increasing Fe2O3 content the alkali resistance of the glasses in the SMFMZS system is improved but when Fe2O3 content exceeds a certain value then, it starts degrading. On the other hand, increasing Mn2O3 content of the glasses in the SMFMZS system results in a continuous increase in chemical durability. Additions of both Fe2O3 and Mn2O3 seem to have a similar effect on chemical durability as seen with Fe2O3 incorporationen_US
dc.subjectBulk Glassen_US
dc.subjectChemical Durabilityen_US
dc.subjectCompositional Modificationen_US
dc.titleChemical durability behaviour of bulk glasses in the SrO-Mn2O3Fe2O3-MgO-ZrO 2-SiO2 (SMFMZS) systemen_US
dc.relation.journalKey Engineering Materialsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Seramik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalıen_US
dc.identifier.issue213 PART 3en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKarasu, Bekir
dc.contributor.institutionauthorArslan, Gökhan
dc.contributor.institutionauthorGünkaya, Göktuğ
dc.contributor.institutionauthorTuran, Servet

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